"Yes dummy, you thought you were gonna have to go home by yourself. You have me and Nat right here with you. Wanda may be our friend but we always made the promise to her and ourselves that if anyone was to hurt her we would hurt them and vice versa. Just because Wanda is our friend doesn't mean we don't see her faults and will defend her every time even when she is completely in the wrong. We are all human, we all make mistakes and we all need friends who can call us out on our shit instead of letting us continue doing things that are hurting ourselves or others."

"You know you're, like, really soft and gooey on the inside of the scary Russian exterior." Yelena gasps, holding her hand to her chest while I chuckle.

"How dare you? I am very scary and intimidating like all the time. I am not soft and gooey, I have no idea what you are talking about. I can raise a single brow and people go running in the other direction, or just want one look at me and my friends' partners fear me so much that they become a babbling mess when I ask what their intentions are. Gooey! Never say that to me again. I am a very scary Russian." I raise my brow as I see Yelena trying to hide a smile behind a scowl as she tries to convince me.

"N'aaaaaw the cute little Russian is trying to act mad." I throw my arm over her shoulder pulling her close, using my fist to rub against the top of her head.

"Hey, hey, hey!!" Yelena fights to get out of my grip, and I chuckle as I let her go easily watching as she straightens out her clothes and hair.

"Hey to you too." Yelena rolls her eyes, aiming her best attempted scowl towards me and I raise my hands in fake surrender. "Ooooh, so scary."

"Whatever." Yelena drags out the word before kissing her teeth while she slowly leans against my side wrapping her arm around my waist. "If you tell anyone about this soft side thing I will kill you."

"Oh I don't doubt it." I chuckle as I wrap my arm back around her shoulders pulling her closer.


"Oh by the way this doesn't mean you are forgiven completely, we can work on that but just because we've talked doesn't mean it's behind us. You have to work to earn my trust and my true friendship, I can't just hand it out willy-nilly like I used to." I look at Yelena before we enter the house.

"I know. I didn't come here looking for forgiveness. That's not what this was." I nod at that as Yelena looks down to her hands playing with her fingers. "I just, I want us to be okay and coming here was step number 1 to getting there."

"I just, I don't want to make the same mistake I made with Wanda when it came to forgiveness, I can't end up feeling like this again."

"What are you going to do now then?" Yelena looks up to me as I sigh, rubbing my fingers across my eyebrows.

"I really don't know. I don't think I will until I see her, see them. I don't know Yel, let's just take this one moment at a time."

"One moment at a time. Got it."

Turning back to the door I open it just as slowly as I let my next breath out trying to calm the anxious feeling that has been crawling around inside me since Yelena told me the news and I really, at the moment, only have one question. For one person in particular. For right now anyway.

"Nat." I call her name through the house, which seems too quiet for my liking but it could just be because my siblings are not here running around like they own the place.

"Y/n." Nat drags my name out as she calls back to me. "In the kitchen darling. Doing the dishes"

"In the kitchen?" Yelena whispers to herself and I can't help but chuckle quietly to myself at the sound of her confusion. "Dishes?"

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang