"Alright then. Well, the first thing we are going to do is schedule you for some OT and mental health counseling. We are also working in close conjunction with Dr. Lee, so he will come and talk to you about a few key updates regarding your soulmate status. Now, I have nurse Minh with me here, she is a trained social worker and suicide prevention and recovery specialist. She is here to make sure we don't overwhelm you too much while we discuss your accident and the ramifications of it on your physical health."

I flinched back. I knew what I had done would have consequences, but I never thought I would have to actually face them. I felt utterly humiliated. The older nurse smiled softly at me and watched me with knowing eyes.

"It's okay dear. I know. And you're not alone. I won't lie. Things aren't going to be fun for the next few days and weeks but it's all part of the journey," she told me gently.

I inhaled slowly as I stared into her deep grey eyes. She felt warm and sincere, so I decided to lean into her reassurance. I fiddled with my fingers, and nodded for them to go on.

Dr. Yun smiled kindly and began.

"Okay Ms. Randall. You were brought into the ER initially as a drowning victim. However, upon further testing, we discovered large amounts of alcohol, Xanax, and hydrocodone in your system. This caused you to seize so we had to take emergency action to get that under control before addressing anything else. We then had to pump your stomach with the hope that anything left in there didn't have a chance to absorb into your bloodstream. Despite already being revived from drowning, you were still at a great risk of overdosing. The extreme cold of the water gave you hypothermia but it also slowed the progress of the drugs in your system.

You were very lucky Ms. Randall. We caught it all and managed to clear your system in the nick of time. However, your brain was also under critical stress and initial scans showed us very limited activity there. You see, your oxygen was cut off for an indeterminate amount of time, while you were under water, making it very likely you were going to suffer brain damage. Your liver also sustained a good amount of damage, so you will need to avoid drinking any type of alcohol ever again. But against all odds, you healed. Your brain activity increased rapidly and your vitals stabilized so we were able to bring you out of your coma. It's nothing short of miraculous, really."

Once he finished speaking, I sat quietly, just absorbing all of the information. Had I really been on the brink of death only to be thwarted by my body's survival instincts? My fingers curled into the blankets. Again, I was angry at surviving but also relieved that I did. What was happening to me?

Nurse Minh stepped closer to me and patted my shoulder. "I know it's a lot to take in. I get it. I was once where you are right now."

My eyes widened in shock as I met her gaze.

"Yes, dear. See? I told you that you weren't alone. I'm here for you. Now, let's get you all cleaned up and ready to see Dr. Lee shall we?" she said kindly.

I nodded meekly and allowed a plump nurse to start unhooking my IVs. I heard Yoongi's voice and my head whipped around to find him. He was speaking with the doctor in hushed tones, so I couldn't quite make out what was being said. I still didn't know what he was doing there with me.

I sighed and let the nurse help me out of bed. My feet touched the cool floor and I winced at the feeling in my wobbly legs as they tried to hold my weight. I was so weak that the nurse had to guide me to a wheelchair in order to move me ten feet to the bathroom. There she helped me undress and shower, which was pretty fucking humiliating but I supposed I had lost the right to feel that way after what I had done.

After I was cleaned and dressed in a pair of peach colored cotton pants and top, I was brought back out. Yoongi was sitting in the chair next to my bed, typing something on his phone. He looked up as we came back into the room and watched carefully as the nurse helped me back into bed and reattached my lines. The short trip to the bathroom had exhausted me but I didn't want to slip back into sleep. I needed answers.

Unwanted--BTS--Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now