"We um... needed help with something," chuckled Fred.

"All night?" asked Ron. "Because I went to ask you this morning before breakfast and neither of you were there either,"

"Yeah they... we were planning some stuff for the joke shop and we must've all fallen asleep," said Alya quickly. "I woke up with George's cheesy feet in my face, and Fred curled up on the floor," Fred and George snickered at this and avoided eye contact with anyone.

"Right..." said Ron, looking at the three of them. "Well anyway, I wanted to ask if I could try out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team this late in the year? Or will I have to wait until next year? They might let me off because I've only just got a broom,"

"I doubt it, Ron," said George.

"Yeah, we've already got a team, mate," said Fred. "I doubt Wood will kick someone else off of the team just to give you a spot because you didn't have a broom,"

"Oh yeah, didn't think of that," said Ron, sadly.

"There's always next year, Ron," smiled Alya. "You have a broom now, so you can spend the rest of the year practising so you know you'll make the team next year,"

"That's true, thanks, Ally," said Ron. "And thanks, again for the firebolt, I really love it,"

"You're welcome, Ron," Alya smiled at him.

"Mum, do we have anything planned for today?" asked Fred.

"No, dear," said Molly. "Your father has to go to work, but that's about it,"

"Okay good," said Fred. "Ally, George, fancy going to see the joke shop today? We can start sorting everything out and planning it all,"

"Yes! Please, Ally?" pleaded George.

"Yes, of course!" smiled Alya.

"I thought you guys were planning last night?" said Ginny.

"What are you on about?" said Fred.

"You said you guys were planning the joke shop last night, that's why you were in Alya's room?" said Ginny, slowly.

"Oh! Um, yes we were," said George, quickly, looking at Fred and Alya for help.

"Yeah, I just meant... we need to see it to be able to plan it properly," chuckled Fred, nervously. Alya shot them both a look and giggled. Ginny just shook her head and carried on eating.

Once they had all finished, they got dressed for the day and the twins packed a backpack with their notebooks, pens and some other things before they went back downstairs. The three of them said goodbye to the others for the day, before going to the fireplace and using floo powder to travel to Diagon Alley. The twins were so excited that they had forgotten their keys.

"You idiots!" chuckled Alya, as they stood outside number 93. "It's a good job I brought mine, what would you do without me, aye?"

"Gosh, Ally, you're a lifesaver," chuckled Fred.

"Honestly," said George.

"This better be the only time you forget your bloody keys!" laughed Alya, as she opened the doors for them. "Welcome home,"

They walked in and turned all the lights on. The twins were looking around the place they had seen so many times before, but they felt different this time. This time, it was their place. Their own shop, their own flat was upstairs and they were so happy and excited, the smiles on both their faces were huge. Alya's legs had started to feel a little bit better by this point, and she took them around and showed them all of the safety precautions and fire exits and things that the old owner had shown her, before taking the twins upstairs to see their new flat. She showed them around the three bedrooms, two bathrooms, large living room and kitchen. She showed them the safety precautions that she had seen for that too, and she was watching the twins' faces as they walked around.

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