"That'll kill you, you know," said Alya.

"Princess?" said Mattheo, jumping up from where he was sitting.

"Hey, Matty," said Alya. "You okay?"

"No, I miss you so much," said Mattheo. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am," said Alya. "How was your Christmas?"

"When was it Christmas?" asked Mattheo.

"Today, love," said Alya.

"Oh, yeah... it was okay," said Mattheo.

"You didn't celebrate did you?" said Alya.

"Well.. my father doesn't agree with it,"said Mattheo. "Thinks it's a muggle thing and doesn't care about it,"

"Well we'll celebrate when we're back at school okay?" said Alya.

"Okay..." said Mattheo. "I'm not really sure how to though. I mean, I've never..."

"It's okay, I'll show you," said Alya, sweetly. "I miss you so much,"

"I miss you Ally, I can't wait to see you, it's driving me insane being away from you," whined Mattheo.

"I know, me too," said Alya. "Draco has invited me to his parent's masquerade ball, so I'll see you there?"

"Absolutely!" said Mattheo. "That's still ages away, though,"

"It's only next week," chuckled Alya. "I can't wait to see you,"

"Me too, love," said Mattheo. "I just can't wait until this is all over and we can all go back to Hogwarts,"

"Not long now, okay?" said Alya. "I have to go, I'll talk to you soon,"

"Okay my princess, I love you," said Mattheo.

"I love you, handsome," said Alya, as she left his head.

Alya decided that she was going to talk to Tom next, and talk to the others the next day. She closed her eyes and tried to find him. When she did, she saw him sitting alone, shirtless, at a desk writing something. She couldn't help but notice how incredibly attractive he looked. His hair was fluffy and messy, like he had just washed it, he had the same amount of scars as Mattheo all over his toned and chiselled body, which Alya thought made him look even more attractive. She got into his head, wiping a small line of dribble away from her chin.

"Hey, Tommy," she said.

"Hey my angel!" said Tom, immediately stopping what he was writing.

"What you up to?" she asked him

"Oh you know... just homework," said Tom.

"You look really fucking hot right now, Tommy," said Alya.

"Really? Thank you," smirked Tom. "I bet you do, too,"

"Not really," chuckled Alya. "I am wearing this beautiful jumper that Mrs Weasley knitted for me though, so I guess I look cute,"

"You look hot in anything, doll," smiled Tom. "I miss you,"

"I miss you too, love," said Alya. "Guess what? I'll be seeing you next week at the Malfoy's masquerade ball,"

"Ally, as much as I'd love to see you, that's too risky!" said Tom. "My father will be there, what if he recognises you?"

"He won't Tommy, he doesn't even know what I look like," said Alya. "Plus we'll be wearing masks,"

"I guess so, I just worry about you," said Tom.

"I know you do, gorgeous," said Alya. "But I'll be fine. You better dance with me,"

"Of course I will, beautiful," smiled Tom.

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