Chapter 11 - Distrust

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      As night settled over the hospital, the sound of gunshots outside could be heard.

      (Y/N) in the hospital bed in her room and nervously stared at the window as the gunshots continued to ring from somewhere outside. They started just a minute ago as (Y/N) was trying to get some sleep. Dell took the couch in the room and was currently fast asleep unlike her.

      Drake had come into her room when he heard the shooting so she assumed that others were hearing it as well.

      He had his fingers holding the blind open for him to see but from where they were in the hospital, he couldn't see where the shooting was coming from. But he did catch a glance at the hospital yard below.

      It was filled with twitching and hobbling fiends who were clawing at the fences like animals, trying to get to the loud noises.

      Those who weren't attracted by the sound were in the back stumbling around and scratching at their necks. Some would occasionally growl at another, a few shoves here and there, but never an actual fight.

       Drake tsked at the sight, knowing that they'll potentially have to confront this hoard once they leave.

"The shooting?" (Y/N) asked, keeping her voice down so she didn't wake her sleeping friend. Dell needed the rest.

"Can't see it. Sounded like assault weapons though." The Sergeant presumed and stepped away from the window.

       Suddenly, the sounds of shooting stopped or died down. They both waited a little longer to see if it'll pick back up again but nothing.

       (Y/N) wondered if it was the national guard. They did put Martial Law into effect.

"Whatever it was, it's gone now." Drake deduced and turned to leave the room. "Get some rest, zombie girl. You're gonna need it."

      The nurse rolled her eyes in annoyance and laid back on her bed. She didn't feel tired and stared up at the white paneling on the ceiling. She had her legs propped up and looked past them to see the Sergeant grabbing the door handle.

"Hey." She called before he left.

      He stopped and glanced back at her. "What?"

"Why are you working for Satellite?" She sat up and asked. Wanting to know the reason since she remembered Wes saying they weren't originally working for the corporation.

"Me specifically?" He had a small smirk and turned to face her, cradling his rifle in his arms. "Didn't know you were interested in my life."

"Don't flatter yourself." She scoffed and crossed her arms. "Why choose to work for Satellite? Your whole team?"

"I got selected along with the others. Wes put in a good word for me." He said.

      They selected the soldiers for the enforcement team. Did they not want just any soldier working close with the project?

"And before you ask, no. We didn't know about the drug until it was being shipped out." He spoke before she could, sensing that her questions were geared toward the disastrous drug. "We only knew of the name. Satellite is very hush about their plans. Even Wes couldn't tell me anything due to his contract."

      Her distrust of the corporation continuously grew. Were they so secretive that they kept information about the drug even from their own enforcement team?

"Do you trust them?" She asked.

       Her next question threw him off a bit. If he's working for the corporation then the answer should be yes. "Where are you getting at with thi-"

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