Chapter 12 - Alarm

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"The pickup could be radioing at any moment and I don't have the damn keys." Rose grunted as he sat down to think.

"We'll find them, sir." A female soldier reassured. "If anything, we can break the door to the storage room holding our weapons and use the backup keys in the trucks."

"I know that, Cheng. But it's bothering me that my original keys are missing." He always keeps them on him. Sometimes he misplaces them but never during missions such as this.

      Cheng pursed her lips at this as she thought. It was bothersome for them to be missing something so important. "I'll have the team look around before we get the call. I'm sure they'll turn up, sir."

      The older man appreciated that as he couldn't leave the radio at the moment. The call could be coming at any second.

"In the meantime," He sighed. "Tell Blackwell to make sure the nurse is ready. I want everyone to be ready to leave once we get the call."

"Yes, sir." Cheng nodded, her voice having a monotone pitch to it.

       Meanwhile in the lab's bathroom, (Y/N) and Dell sat at the mercy of the survivors who were currently planning their exit.

       Jonathan had been a lot of eavesdropping to figure out the route Satellite enforcement had created. It was a straight shot down to the parking garage where the trucks were located that took advantage of the stairwells and elevators. The more they can avoid the main floors where fiends seem to be located, the faster they can get out.

"How we're going to do this is to keep out most capable people in the front and back." Jonathan instructed as the survivors grappled with his every word. "We follow their plan and be as fast as possible. But we need to keep as less attention off of us as possible."

"How do we do that?" With as many survivors as they had with them, it'll be hard to sneak them all past the fiends.

"Easy. This wing still has power. We can use the fire alarm to attract those things to one side of the wing while we leave out the other."

       Both (Y/N) and Dell froze at this.

"So we're using the soldiers as bait?" The blond woman muttered, having no remorse for those tied with Satellite.

       It was worth a shot and Jonathan knew that they'll have to be quick. "They'll keep most of those things off of us as long as they're making noise."

      (Y/N)'s jaw could've dropped if she wasn't gagged right now. It's like he had this all figured out so quickly.

       This wasn't good. As much as she didn't trust the Satellite enforcement, if these survivors go through with their plan she and Dell were going to get dragged into it. If the fiends get to them, she could lose her last remaining friend...

       They had to warn the team. The survivors weren't going to take the nurses and just leave them here to die.

      (Y/N) went to glance back at Dell but she began to feel her hands struggling in the binds. Dell was trying to be quiet and kept her eyes on the survivors with weapons as she twisted her arms in an uncomfortable way so that they face each other. (Y/N) caught on to what she was doing and carefully scooted herself in a way to hide what Dell was doing.

"Once everyone is ready, we'll start." Jonathan spoke to the survivors. "As soon as you hear the fire alarm, get to the doors."

       It was a risky plan but one that the ex-special op felt confident in.

       It had been almost an hour since (Y/N) and Dell left for the bathroom and Drake was becoming annoyed. Did it really take that long for women to just use the bathroom?

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