Chapter 42 - Escape

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Violence Warning ⚠️

      (Y/N) leaped from the speeding truck and tumbled to the ground with her arms and legs tucked close.

      She wasn't sure what jumping from a vehicle with its gas pedal pushed to the floor using a brick would be like, but god did it hurt.

       The pickup truck rammed through the gate with such force that the impact was loud. It did what she hoped would happen. Break the entire gate open. However, the truck didn't stop. It kept going.

       (Y/N) pushed her aching limbs up with her skin covered in scratches and gashes that she grimaced from. The wounds began to gradually heal as the fiends who chased the truck from the suburbs to here began rushing past the manor's first line of defense.

       A loud crash came from the manor. Then the sounds of bikers who heard the alarm and collision. And then the shooting.

       Many of the bikers rushed outside to see what struck them and saw the many fiends who charged in. Growls and snarls mixed in with the loud alarm, followed by the shooting to take out as many as possible. Rack appeared on a second-story balcony and looked out at the sudden chaos. His brothers were trying to hold back the fiends as much as they could. A biker had to reload his rifle which a fiend to advantage of and pounced on him. He screamed as he fell and was quickly silenced once the fiend sunk their teeth into his jugular and tore it out.

"Shit!" Rack cursed and rushed back inside to prepare everyone for this sudden fight.

       But not before he caught a glimpse of someone slipping past the gates. He stopped a looked closer, noting a familiar woman who he thought was dead.

       Back in the greenhouse, everyone made sure their weapons had full ammo. Rose was busy giving orders to everyone on formations and what to do following the route Chi had in mind.

       A certain drive was shared across each other as the stakes were high. But the goal right now was plain and simple.

       Get to the trucks.

       Chi was at the door with the key to unlock it that she swiped off the biker who had it. The door unlocked and Drake moved her aside to take over. He held it closed and waited for Rose's word.

"On my count!" The captain spoke.

        The fiends broke into the manor.


       They're in the halls.


        Two bikers were running from a group of fiends who snarled and lashed out after them.


         As the two bikers ran, the door to the greenhouse swung open and four of the soldiers rushed out and aimed their guns up. They focused on the fiends but the bikers were just collateral.

        Shooting erupted as the soldiers gunned down the fiends and the two bikers. The bullets were precise and struck them all in the heads. The heads jolted back from the force as their bodies collapsed to the ground.

        Rose didn't waste time once they were down. He stepped out and took the lead of the group while Chi directed him on where to go. "Let's go people! Move!"

       (Y/N) separated herself from the main crowd of fiends and ran as fast as she could to find her group. Anxiety and adrenaline fueled her body that when a group of bikers rushed out from a side door and spotted her, she quickly ducked behind a tree to avoid getting shot.

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