Chapter 7 - Dispute

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     (Y/N) paced around the room she was given and couldn't help but listen to one of the radios a soldier had out in the halls.

      It was staticky and couldn't pick up on the signal fully but the news broadcast that was being played was still decipherable.

"Curr...ently in a National E-E...mergency. We're being advised to stay indoors and lock up until further no-tice. We'll do our best to keep you all updated on the current emergency."

     At least it sounds like the world hasn't gone completely to shit yet. Most of the orders given over the radio were general safety tips that coincided with Martial Law and the military was doing all that it could to handle the situation. Occasionally, (Y/N) would hear gunshots outside of the hospital or yells that came from fiends on other floors. She wondered if there were more survivors in the hospital. There had to be. In any chance, among those survivors could be her friends. She didn't want to consider the worst outcome and only hoped that Dell and Remy were safe.

     (Y/N) took a seat on the bed and let her eyes wander over to the single window showing a view of the distant town down the mountain.

     Her hospital was higher up in the mountains than most buildings and sat directly between the roads from the local town and the nearest major city just a couple of miles away. Most patients come from the town while a handful are from the city. But once the fiends started to rise up, many city folks rushed to her hospital in hopes that it wouldn't be as packed as the city ones.

"First r-esponse sites are currently being erected as we speak. When instr...ucted to d..o so by officials, evac-"

       The radio signal began to turn into static. (Y/N) heard the soldier try smacking the small boxy device to fix the reception but it ultimately just remained static.

'First response sites?' This filled her with uncertainty. The way the hospital quickly fell made her think other places could be subjected to the same fate. But if the military was protecting the sites then maybe they'll stand a chance.

       Maybe if she can make her way to one of them she can avoid getting used like a guinea pig by Satellite...

       The door to her room opened and in came Drake carrying two brown plastic pouches. He tossed one to her that she quickly had to catch and looked to see it read 'MRE: Ready to Eat.'

"Eat up. Only one you're getting for hours." He said as he pulled his open.

       She narrowed her eyes and looked down at hers. She opened it up, following the way he did it and was hit with a stale smell that wafted from the pouch. Inside was broth mixed with what looked like sliced vegetables and noodles that could have been sitting around for who knows how long.

"What is this..?" She grimaced, holding the pouch away from her face.

"Chicken noodle soup." Drake smirked a bit, seeing her disgusted look. He couldn't expect her to ever have used MREs before. "It tastes better than it smells."

      The nurse wasn't really hungry considering she hasn't eaten anything since yesterday. But she pulled off the spork that was attached to the pouch and scooped some of the 'soup' into her mouth. It tasted like chicken noodle soup but without much flavor. But it wasn't too bad...

"Captain's sending down another survey team to gather more supplies from storage." Drake spoke, sitting against a table and poking his spork at the food in his pouch. "Problem is, it's locked. They need a keycard to access the room. Do you have one on you?"

      The team had been sending out small groups every few hours to retrieve needed supplies and equipment from the hospital. The furthest they've gone had been the floor just below theirs but they only reached halfway before encountering fiends. Drake had been a part of the last one and spotted the storage room but saw that it was locked. That room could hold much needed supplies that the team was lacking.

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