Chapter 8 - Research

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It was pretty hard getting any sleep...

(Y/N) spent the rest of the night tossing and turning in the hospital bed while listening to the calming music emitted from the radio. But after an hour of the broadcast playing, it just turned off on its own. The channel was replaced by static and she began to miss her source of peace in the circumstances she was in.

So throughout the night, the nurse was mostly in her head. Particularly about her condition...

Satellite wanted to learn why she was different. Why the TAP drug didn't turn her into a fiend. She began to want to know herself after all this thinking.

It felt like she was supposed to be dead. One second she was staring down the barrel of a gun, the next she was waking up in a pool of blood with a scar on her head.

Her hand moved up to touch the scar and felt that it was almost completely gone. Why?

If the TAP drug was supposed to advance human physiology, is this what's its supposed to be like? She pricked her finger while doing stitches on a soldier and the wound was completely gone before she could look at it.

It didn't feel natural.

None of what Satellite has done was natural.

She laid in her bed as sunlight poked through the blinds in her room. Having gone the entire night with no sleep.

TAP, the radio, the pickup... there has to be more than what she was told.

And who else could answer her questions better than the only Scientist here.

Drake was posted up outside of her room cleaning his gun. He just recently sent out a team to go recover supplies from the storage room he found and wished he could've joined them, ensuring that they make it back alive.

But instead, he's here... playing bodyguard for a nurse.

This felt like an insult to his rank as Sergeant. But alas, it's the Captain's orders. Drake had to follow them whether he wants to or not.

He looked up when the woman of the hour appeared out of her room and walked right past him. "Well, good morning, zombie girl. Where are you going?"

She rolled her eyes and kept, not waiting for him to join her. "The lab. I want to talk to Wes."

He noticed she had the radio in her hands still. It was still on and set to the station the satellite was on except the volume was turned down so the static didn't fill up the space.

The Sergeant sighed and got off the wall to follow her. "What do you need him for?"

"Why do you care?" She questioned him back.

"Because he's my friend and he's-" Drake started but then shook his head. "He's not the easiest to understand sometimes."

(Y/N) glanced up at him, hearing how his tone became more still compared to his usual blunt one. "What do you mean?"

If Drake was feeling something, he didn't show it. Just kept up his pace behind her and let his rifle rest over of his shoulder. "If he's in one of his moods, you'll see."

That didn't really give her much to go off of but she didn't question further. They made their way to the lab room and (Y/N) began looking around for a head of ginger hair. She went off to go find the scientist while Drake stayed by the door. He leaned against a table and glanced around as well before noticing that some of the survivors were in a group toward the back corner of the lab.

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