Chapter 23 - Market

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"Why did I have to come with you guys?" (Y/N) questioned as she gazed up at the old market sign.

'Welsher's Market'

      Cheng stood beside her and loaded up her shotgun. "Well, the fiends don't seem to find you tasty enough. That can be useful for us."

      The nurse figured that was the case. All Drake told her was that they needed her to come with them. He seemed a bit distracted when she tried to ask why.

      So now they were here the next day. At the town's only market that (Y/N)'s shopped at with her grandparents growing up. Instead of its usual crowd of customers looking to buy groceries to feed their families, it was now possibly a death trap for anyone looking for any sort of food to live.

     Any fiend could be waiting inside for their own meal to walk through those doors.

     (Y/N) shook those thoughts away. She had enough on her mind already. She turned to Cheng and looked at the bandage around her head. It was slowly getting looser as the days went by. "How's your head doing?"

"Hm?" Cheng looked up and placed a hand against her temple. "Oh, I'm fine. As long as I take it slow, I should have no problems."

"You should be resting. Not on your feet." (Y/N) stated. Concussions weren't something to take seriously. Yeah, it's been a couple of days since the hospital but concussions take weeks, even months to heal.

"Letting myself rest could mean someone getting killed or worse." Cheng disagreed. "I have a team to look after. With the way the world is now, I can't rest."

      There was no convincing this sergeant to take a break. Even if she had a concussion that could get worse if something bad happened. (Y/N) wasn't sure how soldiers dealt with injuries while on duty, but Cheng won't be able to help for long if she obtains more damage to her brain.

      (Y/N) went to be more firmer with the stubborn soldier but Drake soon came over after he was busy checking out the place with the three other soldiers who came along.

"Place looks quiet but still be cautious." He stated, glancing between both ladies. "The market looks torn apart from all the raiding which means we could have some guests waiting inside."

"Not for long." Cheng confidently said, resting her shotgun over her shoulder.

      The sight of the gun made (Y/N) think of the noise it could draw. That car alarm back on the road was a big example. Drake seemed to be thinking this too as his rifle and pistol were both strapped to his body. Only his knife was held in his hands. "Put that away. We're not using guns."

"What?" The female sergeant deadpanned.

"This town is too quiet for us to be trigger-happy and we need to conserve ammo. Use your knife."

      The disappointment in Cheng's eyes was clear but she couldn't argue with that statement. It was a shame though, she loved her shotgun.

      (Y/N) watched her go to put her weapon away as Drake turned his attention to her. "As for you. Remember our rules?"

"You're going to keep bringing those up are you?" The nurse sighed.

"Until they're etched into your indestructible brain." He teased, glancing over his shoulder at the market's entrance.

      She glared at him but didn't say anything snarky back. Would only amp him further.

"We get in and only grab what we need. Anything that's perishable isn't worth grabbing. Could be spoiled enough anyway." He instructed. The power grid did go out a couple of days ago. The food here that wasn't preserved could be spoiled or in the process of spoiling.

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