Chapter 31 - Desperate

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These next two chapters got pretty long. Had to separate them. Enjoy!

      Dinner wasn't as great as last time.

      The impending food situation was becoming clearer than before. Vivian and Dell weren't able to make too big of a meal with what they had. It was primarily rice with the last of the canned beans. Trying to spread that amongst the people was rather hard.

      While neither had much to begin with, (Y/N) and Dell both gave a portion of their shares to Vivian. At first, the pregnant woman refused but the nurses were insistent. They haven't told anyone yet about Vivian's pregnancy but it was agreed that (Y/N) will inform Rose.

     She was just waiting for the right time to. After Drake told him about the loss of their teammate and the encounter with the Red Dog, Rose has been quite occupied.

      (Y/N) wondered if Kelly knew the individual. Her ex is or was associated with them despite not being a member.

       But did she really want to talk to him again? After their last argument?

"We should be moving on soon anyway."

       (Y/N) looked over from where she was seated on a couch and listened in on the discussion between Rose and his two sergeants.

       The captain had the map pinned to the wall and traced his finger over a road heading West. "If we can scrounge up enough gas on the road, we'll be able to make it to this military base. That is if it's still occupied of course."

"That's going off track from our original route." Cheng spoke. "A couple of miles off"

"It is." Rose sighed and crossed his arms. "But at the rate we're going, we'll need to make stops. For gas and food. I would rather do that somewhere more secure."

      A military base will have everything they'll need and more and luckily for them, there was one further into the mountains. But it was a risky move.

      Drake outright didn't like the plan no matter how good it sounded. "We haven't heard from the military or police in weeks. Probably for a month at this point. For all we know they could be dead, sir."

"Not doubting that idea." The older man shook his head. He knew this plan was a hit or miss. "But unless we could find somewhere better, we're going to be traveling the rest of the way on foot. With as many people here, that's not plausible."

"Then let's leave the survivors here." Drake proposed. "We aren't taking the old man and his grandson. Let's just leave those not essential to the mission here. That way, we can only focus on us."

      (Y/N) narrowed her eyes at this. While she didn't think about Rockman and Kelly joining the group once they left, she hasn't thought about leaving them behind either...

       But to leave Vivian and the other two here with them? None of them would know how to help a pregnant woman and (Y/N) has already promised that she and Dell will help her.

"As much as I agree with that," Cheng rested against the wall and showed the reason why that idea was bad. "It is an idea doomed to fail. We just leave these people behind with nothing to defend themselves? We aren't exactly in the position to spare another gun."

"We shouldn't be sparring anything to people not on our team." The male sergeant argued.

      The first was Dell, then the three survivors, now Rockman and Kelly.

      That was six individuals who weren't essential to the mission. Six extra mouths to feed and six people they'll have to worry about out on the road.

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