Chapter 3 - Rise

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     (Y/N) flinched when the alcohol wipe touched her wound.

      She was in a room with two doctors. Dr. Motley, a man in his 70s and a younger doctor in her early 30s, Dr. Yearling. While Motley was cleaning and disinfecting her wound, she was on the phone talking with security about the recent attacks.

"There's been three attacks in one day. The last one bit one of our nurses!" She exclaimed, a disturbed look on her face.

"Are there any correlations?" (Y/N) heard the security's voice on the phone.

"So far, no. It's just been totally random." Yearling sighed.

      A homeless, a middle-aged father, and an elderly woman? What kind of correlation could be made there? None of them had any history together nor share similar backgrounds before coming to the hospital. It was puzzling how three different people throughout the day could just attack the staff without warning. While the first two were stopped before they could seriously injure someone, Ms. Jameson was the first to actually draw blood.

       (Y/N)'s wound wasn't too serious, the bite mark only being surface deep. Dr. Motley only needed to clean it and wrap it up so there wasn't any infection.

"There." He secured the bandages and gave her shoulder a gentle pat. "How do you feel?"

       Her eyes glanced down at her arm and she felt the firm bandages he had placed. "I'm still a little shocked. It happened so fast..."

       Motley placed his hands on his hips as he nodded. "I've been in this field for over 50 years and this is the first I've seen of something like this. An elderly woman no less..."

      (Y/N) thought back to Ms. Jameson's ravenous eyes, the way she yelled when she was restrained, and how she easily overpowered (Y/N) despite being a frail old woman. That wasn't normal. Or possible even.

"Let me know if your arm gives you trouble." Motley said as he gave the young nurse a reassuring smile. He had some patients to get to.

       (Y/N) nodded and moved off of the stool she was sitting on. She took her sleeve and tried to cover her injury as best as she could.

       Dr. Yearling hung up the phone and went to go speak with Dr. Motley. So (Y/N) took her leave and left the room. Her eyes landed on Ms. Jameson's door and a few doors down and a cold chill went up her spine.

"(Y/N)!" Two voices called. She turned to see Dell and Remy rushing over, concern etched all over their faces.

"We heard what happened! Are you alright?" Dell rushed as she approached (Y/N) and inspected her for injuries. "Ms. Jameson bit you?"

        Word of the attack got around pretty fast due to (Y/N)'s injury. The first two were passed off since the doctors who were attacked got away unscathed. But this one started to shed some light on the situation. Everyone was a bit on edge.

"She bit me on my arm." (Y/N) lifted up her sleeve to show, both her friends had questioning looks.

"But how? She can barely walk on her own." Remy pondered.

"Sudden rush of adrenaline maybe?" Dell shrugged. "But even then, someone her age shouldn't have the strength to bite someone hard."

       They were all confused. The situation didn't feel normal but none could put together why.

       (Y/N) glanced back at Ms. Jameson's door. She felt weary even standing near it but she was also worried about her patient. "Has she woken up yet? They had to give her anesthesia to calm her down."

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