Chapter 30 - Hidden

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      Nothing good can come from a Red Dog...

      The encounter has been on (Y/N)'s mind ever since they left the town. As a precaution, the team drove around and avoided the station for almost an hour just to be sure they weren't being followed.

       From what Drake and Cheng have heard of the Red Dogs, they couldn't afford that kind of trouble reaching the station.

      (Y/N) was glad to see that the station was untouched when they got back. She helped bring the items they had gathered inside the station while Drake and Cheng went off to find Rose to... inform him of losing a member.

       She wasn't close with the soldier who got killed by the fiends but could tell that it had some sort of impact on Drake. He collected the dog tag of the soldier and seemed frustrated the whole ride back. She can't imagine having to tell their captain the unfortunate news being a simple task...

       After she helped bring the scavenging team's findings inside, she headed upstairs with the blanket and the things she gathered for Dell with her.

       But as she took the first step on the stairs, a bathroom door next to her opened and someone mistakenly ran into her.

       (Y/N) caught herself before she could fall and looked up to meet the blue eyes of Vivian.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" The older woman quickly apologized and helped (Y/N) stable herself.

"It's- no worries." (Y/N) reassured. They must not have seen each other in that moment.

        Remembering the blanket in her arm, the nurse held it out for Vivian to take. "Dell mentioned that you wanted a blanket. I found this one. I hope it helps."

         Vivian looked surprised but immediately straightened her face to hide it. She gave a small smile and took the blanket graciously. "Thank you. You didn't have to."

"It wasn't a problem really." (Y/N) shrugged and tried to avoid looking at the woman's belly. She couldn't accurately judge due to Vivian's body type and didn't want to come off as rude by asking her. "Was there anything else you needed? I think we'll be going out again in a few days."

"No, I'm fine. This is more than enough right now..." Vivian spoke, her voice a little quieter than before.

       (Y/N) wanted to just ask her but her training as a nurse made it clear to not put pressure on patients unless absolutely dire. She wasn't a midwife but had seen a few pregnant patients before everything went crazy.

        She decided to leave it alone for now and give Vivian some space. It was clear the older woman was nervous around others.

"You have a good night then. If you need any clothes, there's some in the buckets in the living room." (Y/N) said as she turned to head up the stairs.

"Thanks..." Vivian nodded and held the blanket close to her chest. But after a few seconds, she quickly called out for the nurse. "Wait..!"

       (Y/N) stopped and looked over her shoulder at the woman. "Yes?"

"Um..." Vivian couldn't hold eye contact but she was trying to gain the confidence to speak. "Would it... be any trouble if I stayed with you and the other nurse tonight?"

       To stay in the room she and Dell claimed? It wasn't a big room. The old queen mattress they were sharing took up a good chunk of the floor.

"You want to sleep in our room?" (Y/N) asked, seeing how the question made Vivian rethink hers.

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