Chapter 27 - List

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      Ever since their rather... vulnerable time spent together, the two have been a bit more quiet around each other.

      While it felt good to get her thoughts and feelings off of her chest for once, she did it with Drake of all people. Once she was able to calm down and get her thoughts straight, she began to realize that he now knew of her weaker side. Where all her insecurities derive from and that she isn't the cool-headed nurse she pretends to be. Not even Dell knows this much about her grandfather.

      It felt like a mistake venting to Drake knowing how much he likes to get under her skin.

      But... he hasn't spoken a word about their moment together. It's been three days and Drake has mostly kept silent about it.

      While he was still on his usual antics of annoying her and being annoyed by her if she did something that went against his rules. He hasn't even brought attention to everything that she's told him. In a way, she felt relieved by this. Telling someone you hate the very thing that could break you didn't sound like the best idea on paper...

      At least the sergeant had the decency to not use her problems against her. Unlike a certain someone...

      She sat on the back steps of the station and stared down at the pistol in her hands that felt heavy. The voices of Drake and Cheng were up ahead as they discussed the next area of town they'll be going to scavenge. Some houses in the neighborhoods.

       The captain thinks that looting the houses could prove useful as well for things like clothes, tools, and maybe even some blankets since it was getting colder.

       At the mention of finding clothes, (Y/N) began looking forward to it. She and Dell needed the change. Their scrubs have long since worn out their use.

      Her friend sat beside her and was writing out a list of things (Y/N) could find for them. Clothes, a hair brush, and some pillows as well.

"Oh!" She perked up, remembering another important item. "If you find any shampoo, grab that too."

"It would be nice to wash our hair." (Y/N) sighed and smiled at the simple luxury they took for granted.

"It would be better if there was a spa complete with everything a girl could wish for." Dell held out her arms to exaggerate this. "No fiends, no Satellite, just the two of us relaxing like queens."

"Eating fruit and drinking champagne."

"Music playing in the background."

       Both nurses chuckled together at their mutual wants that seemed exaggerated.

       Dell went back to her list and wrote down the shampoo she mentioned earlier. "If we ever do find a spa, remember our plans."

"Of course." (Y/N) nodded. It was something to look forward to.

"Can I join?"

      The nurses both jumped in surprise at the voice behind them and turned to see it was Wes who didn't mean to startle them. He quickly apologized.

"Wait, you want to go to a spa?" Dell asked.

      He felt a little embarrassed chiming in since he didn't look like the type to even set foot in one. "Well, yeah. My mom and sisters used to go all the time and I got dragged along in the process. I... sort of miss it."

       Coming from a family of majority women, the scientist has spent a lot of time doing activities his mom and sisters enjoyed growing up. Being an only son didn't make him an exception.

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