Chapter 34 - Tension

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      Distant sounds of arguing...

      A slam of a door...

      Tears are being shed...

       The world felt cold. A piercing sting filled the mind as it tried to grasp for what was there. Air surrounded the body, creating a weightless feeling that could be experienced by a dying soul. But as fast as those feelings came, they left as well. Soon warmth touched her skin, her body felt heavier, and her chest slowly rose as air filled her vacant lungs.

       Her eyes lifted open slightly and a similar pair looked down into hers.

       A wrinkled hand caressed her cheek in a way she hadn't felt in years. A sense of familial love wafted off of the individual.

       (Y/N) chest kept rising as she looked up into his eyes. The eyes of her grandfather.

       Suddenly, it was like the wind forced itself into her lungs and made her take a long deep breath. (Y/N)'s body shot up with a rugged gasp. Her eyes felt sensitive to the light in the room that she flinched away from. Immediately a pair of hands found her and pulled herself into their chest. She coughed up the old blood in her as her mind and body were getting used to being alive again.

"Holy shit-" The person holding her held her tighter and refused to let go.

        She weakly lifted her to rest against their arm and looked around the room for her grandfather.

        But he wasn't there.

        The person pulled back to look over her face and she was able to recognize Kelly after a few seconds of trying to remember who he was.

"You're alive... You're actually alive." He shakily spoke, in complete and utter disbelief. She felt warmer than before. Her eyes were open and she looked around.

        She was alive.

"Kelly..." She nurse muttered, her voice dry and ragged.

"I'm here, baby. I'm here." He nodded and pressed his head against hers, careful not to disturb her bandages.

        News of her waking up soon spread across the station. She had been out for 3 entire days with barely any sign of getting better until now. The air has been immensely tense during those three days. After the Red Dog attack and the fiends making their way up to the station, it was clear that this place wasn't safe anymore.

        They may have defended themselves the first time, but another attack will surely devastate them.

        But (Y/N) waking up brought the first good news in days.

        (Y/N) held a rag to her bleeding nose as she sat still during Wes' checkup. She flinched at the flashlight he put in her eyes to check her pupils. They were unnaturally dilated but other than that and the pain in her brain, she was fine.

"You had us worried there." He spoke, keeping his voice down to not trouble her sensitivity. "For a second, it wasn't looking good."

"How... long was I out?" She asked, her voice still raspy.

"Three days." He sighed. Three days of pure uncertainty. "TAP needed the time to heal you up, I assume. It was able to put you in a lifeless state without jeopardizing your health. How could it shut down every vital organ and system? Unless it was using the energy from them toward your healing..."

         The scientist began to ramble again. Becoming engrossed with the workings of the drug in her. (Y/N) had to snap her fingers to get his attention back. "Wes? You're going off track again."

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