Chapter 37 - Losing

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Photo by Patrick Fischer on Unsplash

Violence Warning ⚠️

(Y/N) couldn't believe it. She still couldn't.

He actually apologized.

Drake couldn't believe himself either. He used to be so set on his justifications for shooting her.

1. She was bit.

2. She could turn into a fiend.

3. He didn't know she would survive the drug.

Maybe he was right but after having gotten to know her more these last trying weeks and seeing the effects TAP has on her, he wasn't sure how to feel. But sorry was one of them.

They may not be on the best of terms but they weren't on the worst of them either.

After gathering what they could from the highway which was mostly gas from the stranded cars, the team continued their travels. Drake had joined up in the leading truck with Rose inside to watch over their angry hostage. Cheng sat near the doors and watched the trees pass by through the back windows but glanced over when Tripp grunted at her.

"I bet you think you're so tough, lady." He tsked, liked the sight of her was wrong. "What a waste."

"I don't think I'm tough. I am." Cheng waved him off.

"Try saying that around my guys. It'll get you nowhere." Tripp snickered but earned a slap to the head from Drake. "Shut up. We didn't say you can talk."

The biker's jaw clenched as he glared up at Drake. "I don't take orders from you, punk! My gang will find you and when they do, oh you're all going to regret this!"

The Satellite team was nothing but price tags for him. A thousand each for every one of them. Tripp wasn't scared nor was he worried. He was confident that the Red Dogs would catch up to them and make these people wish they weren't born.

Rose was listening in from the front of the truck as he smoked his cigarette. Tripp's confidence hadn't gone unnoticed.

"It's funny that the restrained dickhead has a lot to say." Drake spoke. He glanced over at Rose, wondering why Tripp was even still alive. "I don't why we don't just kill him. What's the point of dragging him with us?"

"Information." Rose tapped his cigarette, letting the ashes fall to the ground. "I want to know about these Red Dogs and our backhanded government before I decide what to do with him."

"I ain't telling you shit..!" Tripp chuckled with the bruises and cuts still littering his face. "No matter how much you beat the snot out of me."

Drake was growing frustrated at this guy and reached down to grip his arm tightly. "Then how about I get my nurse friend in here to take a chunk out of you? Maybe a fiend will talk."

At the mention of (Y/N), Tripp's eyes widened. "Keep her away from me!"

"Why? You scared of her?" Drake pushed, seeing how uncomfortable the biker was.

Cheng smirked at the sight of the cocky Red Dog being so fearful of a simple nurse. He couldn't have expected her to survive such a blow to the head.

Rose sighed and gestured for Drake to lay off Tripp for now. "Stand down for now. We'll get this guy talking soon enough."

"Yeah and if he doesn't," Drake pulled out his knife and held it subtly to Tripp's throat, making the biker tense up. "I'll make sure a fiend doesn't go hungry."

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