Chapter 43 - End

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Violence Warning ⚠️

       These used to be people.

       Fiends from left and right filled the manor's property and overpowered the Red Dogs' force.

       She watched them tear into those unfortunate enough to get caught by their grasp. Teeth ripping apart flesh, fiends with abnormal strength able to stop a motorcycle at full speed, the bullets that flew through the air and sliced through skin and bone.

       It was chaos. Pure uncontrollable chaos.

       (Y/N) saw it all. Witnessed what the fiends in a great number were capable of. While she had no sympathy for the biker gang, it only made escaping this place even more dire.

       Seeing the fiends be turned into what they are now. One simple drug with the ability to make even a normal human being into a ravenous monster. It was like their humanity was gone. They feasted on the bikers' bodies as if they were nothing. Like starving animals attracted to the slaughter of prey.

        The smell of blood and smoke from bullets filled the air. The ravenous screams and growls of fiends forced their way into her ears.

        And knowing that could've been her...

        What searched for her team. Turned every corner, and avoided every biker still alive. Fiends pushed past her like she was nothing. None of them knew of the truth of her condition. They could easily kill her like all the rest and yet they didn't.

       She went to the greenhouse first. It was empty.

       She ran down the halls and called out her group's names but no one answered.

        She had to step over corpses both fiend and human. Passing by the body of a biker with two fiend tearing open his guts. He had a large bite mark on his face that was quickly overshadowed by his eyes opening in that sickly yellow color.

        He looked at her and she couldn't help but look back.

        The more she walked and searched for her team, the more everything was starting to impact her.

        The stench of death, the growls of fiends, the harsh banging of guns, the loss she's experienced...

        After so long of searching and her emotions rising by the second, she collapsed to the ground on her knees. Her hands gripped her hair and she wished for everything to stop. She wished for the world to just stop for a second and let her take a deep breath.

        Surrounding her were bodies.

        Surrounding her was the constant reminder of what she could've been.

        Surrounding her was the fate of the world that could only change because of her.

        Three fiends trudged past her. One of their legs kicked her side from her being in the way.

        She looked up slowly past her shaky hands at their backs.

        One was a young woman with dark curly hair and light skin. The second was a young man with tanned skin and short brown hair. And finally, the third was an older man with wrinkly (s/c) skin and greying (h/c) hair. They all stopped and slowly faced her with mangled faces and sickly yellow eyes. Their eyes pierced into her, wondering why she was alive.

        And they were dead.

       (Y/N) screamed and jumped back. She crawled away as the three familiar fiends watched her. Their gazes suffocating, like the air was being forced from her lungs.

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