Chapter 38 - Papa

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    (Y/N) harshly sobbed into Vivian's shoulder. She hasn't stopped since.

     Everyone who was being taken had their hands tied behind their backs and forced into the two Satellite trucks for transport. (Y/N), Vivian, Kelly, and Rockman were in one along with 3 other soldiers while Drake, Cheng, Rose, Wes, and the rest were in the other.

      Vivian sadly leaned her head against (Y/N) as a few of her own tears slipped. "I'm so sorry, honey..."

      Rockman wanted to comfort her but couldn't with his hands tied. So he resorted to holding his against hers. He understood the grief of losing a best friend but not in such a horrible way...

      (Y/N) sniffed her tears. First, she lost Remy during the initial rise. Someone who was like a brother to her. But her mind believed that Dell would always be with her. Maybe through some sheer amount of luck, they both could survive this and see the day that the world returned to normal. But that was all ripped from her in such a short notice.

      Now she was still alive. Forced to stay alive while another person she was close to is gone.

      Hearing her cry, only made Kelly angrier. His foot was tapping against the ground as his eyes moved over to the two bikers at the front. One was driving while another sat in the passenger's with a gun. Outside the truck, the muffled sounds of motorcycles followed after the trucks. They were loud and obnoxious. Some gunshots followed as the bikers would gun down any fiend they passed for the hell of it.

"Hey, pregnant lady!" The biker riding passenger called with an annoyed look. "Can you get that bitch to shut up?"

      Kelly immediately shot up in his seat. "Watch your fucking mouth!"

"I'll watch it when she quits her crying." He huffed. "People die! Get over it."

       (Y/N) sniffed back her tears and sharply glared at the cruel man. Did he not have any humanity left in him? Did any of these men?

        He snickered at her glare. So full of hatred. He obviously didn't take her seriously.

       In the other truck, many thoughts were running through Drake's mind. The main one at the center of them all were the Red Dogs.

      Did these bikers even know that the government also caused the outbreak of fiends? Would they even care? These men are so hellbent on the promise of money that they would commit monstrous acts like what they did to Dell. Someone who wasn't involved with Satellite but caught up with them anyway. And it led to her life being taken.

       His fists tightened around his binds. He may not have been the closest to Dell, but she didn't deserve to die like that...

"We're getting out of this." Rose quietly said so the two bikers at the front of the truck didn't hear. "These bastards won't get away with this."

"They took our guns." Cheng whispered, her voice full of frustration. "How are we supposed to do anything without them?"

"I'll think of something." Rose grunted, he had to. These people depended on him. But with everything that had happened, his mind was stumped.

      What was the government planning to do with them exactly? Arrest them? Keep them silent so the truth doesn't get out? Were they even aware that people are dying just to claim a measly $1000?

      The whole situation left a horrible taste in Rose's mouth. And now another innocent person died under his watch. It felt like the list had been growing the day the fiends appeared.

      Drake glanced beside him to Wes who had been silent. He could tell Dell's death hit him hard.

     The scientist was quietly grieving as every now and then, a tear would escape his eye. It felt like he had lost a friend as Dell was someone he felt like he could've grown close to. He couldn't imagine the pain (Y/N) must be under...

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