I'm sorry

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I woke up to an empty bed and just outside was another gloomy day, I can hear the rain falling and it was actually kind of soothing.

I got up out of bed and a pain shot through my entire body, ugh my ass fucking hurts. Well at least I only have to deal with it once.

I went to the bathroom and freshened up then I went downstairs to find Hyunjin, I figured he would be in his office or the basement, so I opted for the office first.

I had overheard them talking before I decided to enter the office and they were talking about the safe in the basement among other things. I had figured out the puzzle in a few minutes and honestly, it's funny how Hyunjin couldn't figure it out yet. He may be smart, but I guess not that smart, either way he's still mine.

I wasn't expecting to hear everything they were fucking saying though.

"It's a safe that is like a puzzle, you need to work the gears and cogs."  I said walking through the door. I was in pain from last night but also from my condition, I was so tired too.

"Felix you should be resting." Hyunjin was walking over to me. "Would you have told me my parents are dead then? I was coming to see where you went off too then I overheard you guys talking in here." My voice trembled.

Hyunjin cupped my face with his hands and gently placed a kiss on my lips. "I'm sorry Felix, but now there is no room for mistakes. I have to protect you at all costs."

"And I have to protect you!" Chan yelled. "Leave him be Hyunjin, soon enough he won't be around for you to protect. Just put him out of his misery already."

I watched as Hyunjin's head shot up and he turned around, I could feel heat radiating of his body and he took two strides and knocked Chan to the ground.

"You're only here because my mother put you in charge of me, but she's gone now so why the fuck are you still here? You going to sit back and watch me fall in love with someone while you stay in the background wishing it was you?" Hyunjin punched him in the face several times.

Soon enough Minho pulled Hyunjin off of Chan and held him in place. I watched as Chan got up spitting blood out on the floor, he looked at Hyunjin.

"Just stop it!" I yelled. "He's right Hyunjin, I'm literally dead weight. Just...let me go."

I then turned around and left.

Why would I think being here was a good idea, and yet it was Chan's fucking idea and now he just wants to throw out the trash. That's what I am.

When I got back to my own room, I slammed the door shut locking it, pry not a good idea but I didn't care right now. I let the tears come and they wouldn't stop, and I thought the rain outside was bad.

I went to unlock the door and then crawled back into my bed, I sat up against the headboard and pulled my knees up to my chest wrapping my arms around them.

I began coughing and grabbed a tissue and coughed into, pulling it away I saw the dark crimson color absorbing into the tissue. I had to grab another and another, soon enough my floor by the bed was covered with red tinged tissues.

This is the worse it has ever been.

I heard a few knocks on the door and a quiet voice spoke from behind it, "Felix baby, it's me Jisung. Please let me in."

Always calling me baby that one, he's such a good friend. I love him for it.

"Come in." My voice was ragged.

Jisung peaked his head inside and then fully opened the door, he stood in the doorway for a minute looking at me then looked down at the floor.

"Aw Felix, it's never been this bad before." Jisung closed the door behind him and sat down next to me. "Y-yeah." I coughed.

Jisung pulled me into his arms and rubbed circles on my back, it was soothing and as much as I love having my best friend here it wasn't the same as if it was Hyunjin.

"Chan was r-right, I'm only holding Hyunjin back. I'm no good to him Jisung." I sniffled. "Lix baby, Chan is jealous and is overprotective of Hyunjin. He's his family and his bodyguard and despite everything he loves Hyunjin. Chan brought you here for Hyunjin, he cares Felix just doesn't know how to show it. Hyunjin however is crazy in Love with you, he could have anyone he wanted but he chose you. He's a mafia leader and in love with you." Jisung said quietly.

Ugh why is so wise, but yet I still feel so unsure about everything.

"I should just go; I don't belong here. Or maybe I should just give myself up to Jeongin." I spoke. "Oh fuck no. Felix get your shit together yes, you're dying but you still have some time, and you will spend it with your sexy ass mafia boy. So why don't you go help your clueless boy and open up that damn safe." Jisung chuckled.

I playfully swatted at him and smiled. "Thank you for being my friend, for being here with me and sticking by me. Minho is definitely lucky to have you." I smiled. "Just let me rest for a bit."

Jisung propped some pillows up leaning against them and pulled me into him. "Rest and then go to your man." Jisung kissed the top of my head and closed my eyes.

After a while I woke up and Jisung was gone, pry had to go find his own man. I guess I should go do the same.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and realized Jisung cleaned up everything, he also left me water and my meds on the nightstand.

I took my meds and then downed them with water, getting up from the bed I made my way over to the door. I opened it and took a deep breath; I walked through the door and into the hallway walking to the stairs.

When I reached the stairs, I saw Chan coming up them and I looked at him once and then walked past him down the stairs.

"Felix." I heard Chan from the top of the stairs. I stopped at the bottom, "I just want to do what's right for him." "I'm sorry."

"Don't tell me sorry Chan, tell Hyunjin." I walked away.

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