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As we pulled up to Chan's place, I took a good look around his neighborhood and groaned in annoyance. At least it's not in the fucking ghetto, even though I've been here plenty of times before I never really paid much attention to the surroundings. I looked over at Chan who was on his phone and his face was that of anger.

I know it's best to leave Channie alone when he is in a mood, and I'm not even in the mood for an argument. When the car came to a stop Chan got right out and slammed the care door, fuck he is in a mood. I waited for a second and realized I had to let myself out, of course Chan meant what he said when I had to start doing stuff on my own for now.

I opened the door and stepped out into the gray darkness of the morning; it was clear a storm was brewing no wonder why Chan is extra grumpy. I walked to the back of the car and grabbed my two suitcases and one smaller bag and set them on the ground. Chan had gone off somewhere to take a phone call and I was left to myself, and no way was I going inside by myself especially if Minho is there.

I leaned up against the car and pulled out my cigarettes, wish I had some other good stuff, but this will have to suffice for now. I put one up to my lips and took out my lighter and lit it up, I inhaled as I threw my head back closing my eyes and blowing a puff of smoke out. When I opened my eyes, I was met with the softest brown eyes ever.

They were from a distance just across the street, but I could see right through them, his eyes were on mine for what seemed like forever. I've never seen him before and maybe that's just because I never paid any mind but aside from his eyes he was as pale as a ghost.

"See something?" Chan asked walking up beside me. "Yeah, who's the boy walking on death's door?" I asked. "Oh him, him and his parents moved in a few years ago. They keep to themselves and as for the boy he has some sort of condition." " Well, he looks like hell." "That's what happens when you're in and out of hospitals all your life."

I kept my eyes straight ahead on the boy, he was just sitting outside I'd say he was enjoying the weather but it's gloomy as fuck out and I think I just felt a raindrop. His eyes left mine the moment Chan stood beside me for a moment there I felt like I was trapped in his gaze.

"He's pretty cute though and nice." Chan said quietly. "Got a thing for him?" I asked with a hint of jealousy. "No of course not. If I have eyes for anyone it's only you Jinnie." "Hmm you're only saying that because you have to look after me so therefore your eyes have to be on me at all times."

Chan looked over at me and gave me a soft smile, but his eyes held something different, as if he wasn't telling me something. "Everything good?" I asked. "Yeah, nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about." Chan smiled.

Chan grabbed my bags and started to walk towards his place, I started to follow behind him when I stopped and turned to look back at the boy, he looked over at me and smiled.

The polite thing would have been to smile back but all I did was give him a cold stare and turned on my heels. I swear I could hear him laugh from across the way, he looks like he won't even make it to see tomorrow.

Might as well end his suffering by the looks of it.

"Minho! I know you're home." Chan yelled as he opened the door. He set my things down and I followed behind him and closed the door behind me. " Back already Channie?" Minho yelled from the other room.

I had to admit Chan's place was cozy and spacious, he does make pretty good money thanks to me. I took my shoes off and walked into the living room plopping down on the couch "Right just make yourself at home." Chan rolled his eyes. I just stuck my tongue out at him and leaned back spreading my arms across the back of the couch.

"So how were things with the spoiled bitch?" Minho said walking in the room. "The spoiled bitch is just fine." I replied. Minho swung his head around and his cold eyes landed on mine. I gave him the pretty boy smile and mischievous look. "What the fuck is he doing here?" "This spoiled bitch will be living with us for a while Min. I expect you two too get along, if you have to don't even speak to each other." Chan said.

I got up and walked over to Minho, and man if looks could kill, I'd be dead on the spot.

Damn I forgot how good he looked especially when he gets all angry. I stood in front of him and grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him closer to me. "We are going to have so much fun Min Min." I smirked.

Minho pushed me away, he's strong too. Walking past me he purposefully bumped into my shoulder harshly and all I could do was watch him walk away down the hall. Chan came up and grabbed me by the arm and pulled me down the opposite hallway and if I hadn't known any better one might say he was annoyed and his grip on me is strong.

He opened a door and pushed me through, closing the door behind me he threw me up against the door. With both hands on either side of my head trapping me and as he leaned in, he looked at me in such a way that if I was some poor bastard, I'd have wet myself. All I did was stare back with a smirk taking over and I rested my head against the door.

"I don't know how you make it sometimes you know that. I need you to get your shit together Hyunjin. There is shit happening that I can't disclose yet but its serious, you need to stop acting like the spoiled bitch that you are." Chan said. "It has something to do with earlier, doesn't it? Why can't you tell me?" I replied. "Not yet. You either get along with my cousin or deal with the consequences." "Now you're going to act like my bodyguard?" 

Chan took a step back letting his hands fall to his sides and he let out a loud sigh. "I don't get you." I let out a frustrated sigh of my own. "You're not supposed to." Chan said as he walked out of the room.

Here I was left to my own devices and my small ass room. Living here will be hell for the next month. I walked over to the window and opened it letting in the cool breeze and smell of rain, you can hear the thunder in the distance, and it was just starting to sprinkle. I actually like these types of days; it goes perfect with my attitude.

I lit up another cigarette and blew the smoke out the window and watched as the wind took it away. I looked across the street and noticed the same boy from earlier he was in his room I assumed and had his own window opened. He was sitting in a chair with all sorts of wires and tubes hooked up to him, just looking at the sight made me want to punch something.

If I had to live that way, I'd rather not.

I guess this is the entertainment I get to deal with for the next few weeks. Boring.

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