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Well ever since I've been here besides the first night, I was here I haven't seen much of Hyunjin. I get it he's been busy and all, but I guess it just kind of sucks.

Today I somewhat feel alright which is rare by the way, so I decided to go and see Hyunjin which I know he's going to be busy either way.

But I'll take my chances.

"Can I come in?" I said on the other side of the door. "Uh yeah come in." Hyunjin replied.

I opened the door and slowly walked in; Hyunjin watched me as I walked over to him and placed myself on his lap.

"You seem to be good today." Hyunjin spoke. "I feel alright, I guess. You've been busy." I said sadly.

I could tell he was annoyed and frustrated but I also can't help thinking maybe I'm part of the problem.

"I'm sorry Felix, there's just so much going on." He spoke. "I understand, I'm probably just a burden, always needing to be protected and what not." I frowned.

I got up from his lap and walked out of his office.

"Fuck!" I heard Hyunjin yell.

Well, that was not how I wanted to start my day. I'm dying and in high school who doesn't even live with his parents anymore but rather with a mafia leader who's has countless times told me to stay away from him. Instead, my dumb ass needed saving all the time and was pretty much give no option but to live here and be protected.

Oh, and I'm pretty much or was in a fucking love triangle practically but now it's just Hyunjin and I.

Don't I have an interesting life.

Well, I'm sure Hyunjin is off doing whatever he does when he gets in a mood, so I took a small tour around the house for as long as my body allowed me too.

So far though I don't feel very weak at all, most things I've already seen from the little time I've been here. I ventured further into the house, there were so many rooms and just a whole lot of expensive shit decorating the walls and random ass things.

I did overhear something about the basement, so I decided to be curious. Walking slowly down the steps...very slowly might I add, there was just more useless expensive things and just storage from the looks of it.

Seems the boys have been busy down here; they had a table set up and papers and files plastered everywhere. Lots of investigating going on and in the far corner sat some sort of a safe, pretty dinged up from the I think attempts of opening it.

Walking closer to it, it definitely didn't seem like an ordinary safe but at the same time I couldn't figure out what type it was. 

It was on the smaller side and made of some type of wood, very unusual for a safe but there were gears and cogs noticeable and some sort of lock that required a code and turning of the gears.

Yeah, it was a weird one.

I was getting a bit lightheaded, so I made my way back upstairs and back to my room to rest.

Seemed like hours had passed and I must have fallen asleep, it was now dark out and I assume Hyunjin was still out.

I made my way downstairs and to the kitchen, I was fucking starving. When I got to the kitchen and grabbed a small bite I sat down at the small table in the kitchen. I scrolled through my phone and read what messages Jisung sent me, always consisting of Minho and how boring school is without me. There wasn't much on social media, so I finished up my food and made my way to the library.

It was a very big library like one of those you see in the movies, shelves floor to ceiling filled with books and a nice expensive couch sitting in front of a big ass fireplace, a big mahogany table over by the window filled with papers and books and nick knacks.

It was a nice place, warm and safe.

I sat down on the floor in front of the fireplace and curled up in a ball. And apparently, I decided to cry.

My head shot up and I looked at Hyunjin who had just sat down next to me, I must not have heard him come in.

My eyes widened at the sight of blood on his shirt, "Is t-that yours?" I asked looking at him. "Oh, uh no, it's not." Hyunjin looked down at his shirt then back up at me. "O-okay good." I sniffled.

"I'm sorry for avoiding you Felix, I just...can't have you mixed up in any of this." Hyunjin made movements with his hands motioning everything. "I already am!" I shouted. "I was the moment I saw you, the moment I talked to you, the moment we kissed, the moment my parents got involved. I've been in it since the fucking beginning." I started to cry harder.

"Felix, you're right and I'm sorry. You, moving in here has been the best thing and I'm sorry I couldn't show you that." Hyunjin whispered.

I looked at him, and there was nothing than I wanted more right now than him.

"Then show me." I spoke.

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