Why am I attracted to you?

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Just another day of school I get to attend, yay me.

Honestly it actually brings me peace going to school, I know shocker, right?

I was out in the courtyard with my best friend Jisung who was trying effortlessly to cheer me up.

"Come on Lix! Smile for me baby, you look good today." The squirrel boy yelled. Yup, Jisung looks like a squirrel and a cute one at that.

It was a decent day out actually and I enjoyed being out here with my best friend, we usually spent our mornings out here before school started.

 "Why is a squirrel hanging around some dead boy?" A voice from behind us sneered. The dancing squirrel stopped dead in his tracks and lost all color in his face. "He has a name you know." I replied. "Oh? Well, I don't speak squirrel so..." The cold voice spoke.

My first actual encounter with him.

With Hyunjin.

He was even better looking up close, but yet he seemed like a total ass.

 "His name is Han Jisung. Now if you have a problem, I suggest you take your problem with you and shove it up your ass." I snarled.

Well fuck I sounded mean.

The tall blonde just stood there and looked down on me, Jisung had to help me up off the ground. I wasn't going to be talked to like that while I was down. It's amazing I've never seen him in school before.

I looked over at Jisung who just looked scared out of his mind, damn this guy must be something else for him to be shaking like that.

The taller walked up to me and tilted my chin with his finger, so I was looking at him. "And what's your name sick boy?" The other asked. "Felix. Lee Felix is the name." I replied. "Well, you sure are a feisty one, especially for being on your death bed." "You're from across the street?" "And you have a deep ass voice with an accent." "I'm from Australia and if you must know I am sick, so what of it?"

Well, he sure had a way of getting under my skin that's for sure. Jisung was right next to me terrified out of his wits and I guess I could see why, but this boy right here does not fucking scare me.

Death doesn't so why should he?

"Uh Felix do you even know who he is?" Jisung spoke up. "No, and I don't care. This rich spoiled bitch doesn't deserve my time." I replied. "This rich spoiled bitch can kill you in an instant." The taller huffed. "And I'm dying every minute of every fucking day faster than others. So, killing me now just saves me the misery." I growled.

I started coughing and almost lost my balance when Jisung held me up.

God fuck this shit.

Jiusng helped me inside the school, and we went over to an empty classroom so I could catch my breath, one of these days I hope I just cough to death.

But not just yet.

I am intrigued yet again by the tall blonde-haired asshole, so who just is he?

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