Ethereal ghost

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Day 2

So much for a good night's sleep, it's been a while since those memories crept up in my mind. When I woke up the clock read 5 am, fuck my life.

I held my head as I stood up, the headache still there from yesterday. I went to the bathroom and took a shower maybe I'll get some hot water this time. As I stood in the shower letting the hot water run over me, I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. My dream or whatever kept coming back to me and thinking of my father was the last thing I wanted.

When I got out of the shower I dried off and threw on my joggers and a t-shirt, I didn't feel the need to put on my school uniform quite yet. I decided I needed some fresh air, so I slipped on my shoes and quietly made my way outside.

I noticed there was a small park nearby, so I took a small walk in the direction. When I reached the park, I took out a cigarette and lit it up breathing in and then letting out a puff of smoke. It was just what I needed; too bad I didn't have something a little stronger though.

I took a good look around me, this early in the morning sure was quiet and peaceful. Too bad I only have a few hours until I go to school, I noticed a something white in the distance over by the swings, so I made my way over.

"And here I thought I was seeing things. You looked like a fucking ghost." I spoke scaring the poor boy. "Didn't think someone like you knew how to wake up early." Felix said. "Hmm, couldn't sleep little ghost." I smirked. Felix rolled his eyes at me and turned to face me.

Damn even in the dark he still looks good but like a ghost. Somehow the dark makes him look more ethereal especially in the little moonlight that's still left before the sun rises.

"What brings you out then?" I asked. "It's rare if I even get sleep." Felix said softly. "What's wrong with you anyways?" "I'm sick." "Well, no shit." "I have a condition, more like it's terminal." "Fuck."

I stared at the boy, and he had some tubes wrapped over his ears going into his nose, so he needs oxygen huh? His condition is terminal, that must suck, and I thought I had it rough.

"I know I'm the sick boy who no one wants to be around. Do you not want to bully me?" Felix asked. "Why would I bully you? You're already on your death bed so I wouldn't get no pleasure out of it." I replied. "So, you get pleasure out of...what?" "Do you not know who I am?" "Um just some spoiled rich bitch?" "I am the son of a mafia family. So, my pleasure is the joy of killing people my dear boy." I chuckled.

After those words left my mouth Felix stared at me, but there were no signs of fear or concern. Instead, his eyes glistened with curiosity and intrigue. You sure are a mystery, Lee Felix.

Most people want to run the other way when I mention such things but not him, no its more like he wants to entertain the idea of such possibilities. I'd be lying if I wasn't a little bit turned on right now, the only other person who gets me this way is Chan. People who share the same interests as me or wants to know more are definitely worth something.

But who am I kidding I don't give two shits about anyone.

"Well maybe you should stay away from me." I spoke looking up at the sky.  "Fuck you." Felix replied harshly. "I'm sure you'd like that." I smirked. "Yeah, sure whatever. You're the one always after me." "In your dreams little ghost."

I couldn't help but smile as I walked away.

Let's get this day over with already. It's not even time and I'm already done with today.

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