Always finding me

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I was getting back from the hospital, and it was another dull gray day, the clouds covered the sky and it had been raining off and on all day. Somehow the depressing state of the day brings me joy, I know funny right.

Lately seems like everything has gone to shit, I feel like I'm getting weaker by the day and my parents have been acting sketchy too like they are avoiding making eye contact with me or something.

Maybe they are giving up on me, I mean I would by now at least.

But here I was in my front yard in a fucking wheelchair of all things and my dear best friend was helping me. He's such a saint that one and I love him for sticking by my side. My parents were taking my things inside while I was still sitting here, I felt a raindrop fall on my face and Jisung was about to turn me around, but I placed my hand on his shoulder for some reason my eyes made me look over across the street.

And there he was, standing in all his glory looking over at me.

I never thought I would be seeing him again like this, it felt like old times again.

But then he disappeared Chan had said something to him, and they went inside, now it felt like I wouldn't see him again.

Jisung had left hours ago and now it was night, but I couldn't tell you the time and I'm going crazy being in my room right now. I didn't even want to be around my parents, I don't even feel comfortable with them right now.

I did what I know best and left my house, I went to the only place that felt more comfortable than my own damn house. The place where I first really talked to Hyunjin, the place where we had our moments together, the place where we shared our first kiss, but also where I was almost killed.

But that didn't matter because he was right there to save me, and he could have let me die.

I never ventured very far into the park, and I always knew it was bigger than what it was, I only ever made it to the swings or the park bench.

I found a quiet little area that was somewhat secretive in a way, it was secluded and surrounded by trees and there were flowers everywhere. A small pond nestled in the middle and a stone bench just by the edge was meant to be sat on, but I sat on the ground.

The clouds took over the sky once again with maybe just a sliver of the moon shining through, but it was still the depressing state that it was. I began coughing and I almost thought I was going to hack up a lung.

And I was in my own world.

"Seems like we find our way to each other." I heard a voice say softly.

"Hy-hyunjin." I sniffled. "Hey little ghost." Hyunjin smiled sitting down next to me. "Thought you were staying away from me?" "I guess not." He shrugged.

Seems like it's the truth almost, whether I need saving or we just run into each other, I think we are destined to be together. Ha what a joke right, so funny.

But here I am staring at him like he was my whole world.

"I'm dying." I chuckled. "And that's funny?" Hyunjin ran his fingers through my hair. "No, but seems like ever since I met you, I keep coming back. I had maybe a few weeks or less I don't know that day I saw you, I was coming back from the hospital that day. Now ever since it seems like my body doesn't want to give up yet." "Felix, you know there's no use in any of this."

I saw Hyunjin about to get up, but I pulled him back to me wrapping my small weak fragile arms around him. I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck, and he wrapped his own arms around me, and I could tell he was trying his best not to tighten his grip.

"I don't care about anything anymore Hyunjin, all I care about is you." I whispered. "You're not afraid of anything are you?" Hyunjin asked. "No, not of dying, not of you, not of your crazy fucking brother either." "Always cease to amaze me."

I know I think I am crazy myself, like who fucking runts into danger and doesn't go the other way? Who wants to put their life in danger, I'm already dying anyways but any sane person would try to live whatever life they have left enjoying the moments with their friends and their families.

Well here goes nothing.

I struggled my way onto Hyunjin's lap and in doing so he was laughing at me the whole time, now I was straddling him.

"Don't laugh." I pouted. "I'm not, you're just so cute. God there's so many things I want to do to you." Hyunjin smirked. "Can't say I can make any promises, but you have no idea how much I want you to fuck me right now." "Lee Felix, where did you get that mouth from." "There's still so much you don't know about me Hyunjin."

And I don't think he will ever get to know all the sides of me.

Fuck I don't even think I have the strength to even have sex, great I guess I'll die a virgin.

Hyunjin pulled me close to him and kissed me.

"I want you Hyunjin, don't ever leave me again." I whispered into the kiss.

"Felix, I'm not going anywhere."

Miroh: Maze of lies and loveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ