On the other side of things

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"What were you doing up so early?" Chan asked me. We were walking down the hallway before school started just wasting time. Minho had run off somewhere thank God because I definitely did not need to deal with him right now. "Just couldn't sleep." I simply replied. "How come I know you're lying?" "Why do you need to know my business all the time?" "I am your bodyguard Jinnie." "Right now, you are my older 'brother' and a student." I walked away not giving him the chance to reply.

Today just seems gloomier than usual and I can't tell if I'm okay with it or not. I don't want to deal with anyone's bullshit today let alone having Chan up my ass all day. No not in the way it should be either.

I walked to my locker and grabbed my shit before heading off to classes, not even paying attention to my surroundings I don't even know if there is some kid I need to beat up or bully right now. As I made it to my first class, I noticed all the kids standing around chattering amongst themselves until I stepped in the room. They all went silent, and I just looked at each and every one of them with hatred and anger.

I walked to the back of the room near the windows and sat down, making the few kids there flee. I chuckled to myself and threw my bag on the ground, soon enough all the others sat down in their seats and went on with their crappy conversations. Getting the first choice of seat was nice, usually you have the stuck-up people who don't give a damn whether you want a certain seat or not.

Soon enough my little ghost came in the room and sat in the only seat that was left, next to me. "I see no one wants to sit by you." Felix said out of breath. "What can I say I'm just that scary." I smiled. "Right well I guess that makes two of us." "How so?" "You're the bully and no one wants to feel your wrath while I'm the sick kid who people think that just by being near me, they'll catch whatever I have." "Well, ain't that a load of bullshit." I huffed.

Damn people are so scared of everything these days, like me I get I am a total asshole but like someone who has a serious medical condition where it's terminal you aren't going to get sick from them. There are certain diseases you can catch but not fucking cancer like seriously.

They day dragged by, and the first four classes were a nightmare just makes me want to bang my head against a fucking table. Thank God though for lunch I am literally starving and can't wait to get me some food. At least this godforsaken place knows how to make food, most schools feed you slop on a plate but not this place. It's like a five-course meal up in here.

I mean can you say five-star Michelin?

As I sat down at my table towards the back I immediately start to dig in, damn you'd think I was a starving child or some shit. I guess I try to avoid any interactions back at Chan's place so that means skipping meals here and there. "What do we not feed you enough?" Minho sat down next to me. "Why are you sitting next to me?" I asked in annoyance. "Chan had to go somewhere and told me to keep an eye on you. Believe me I don't want to be next to you either."

Chan leaving in the middle of the day? What the fuck are you up too now a days?

"Great." I faked smiled. "So, mister all high and mighty do you have insomnia or some shit?" "Why do you care?" "I just noticed you up super early this morning. And on occasion I hear you mumbling in your sleep." What are you spying on me?" "No dumbass. I'm a night owl and sometimes passing by your room I catch you talking in your sleep." "I guess I never realized I did."

Yay more things wrong with me just what I needed. To think is the most we have talked to each other, hope he doesn't think this makes us friends now. I shoved my tray away after eating and looked up to see brown eyes staring at me from a table over. His squirrel friend was trying to act all goofy or cheer him up and Felix would smile every so often to let him know. Must be nice having someone who can be there for you.

"Where did Chan go anyways?" I asked. "No idea didn't say but I assume it's some job or something." Minho replied with food shoved in his mouth. "He's been awfully secretive lately. Leaving all hours of the day and night, random phone calls that he has to leave the room for." "I don't know Hyunjin you guys are in the business not me."

What is Minho good for if he can't give me any information, they live together for God sakes. Then again so do I now, ugh why can't Chan just let me in on stuff maybe I can help especially if it requires violence.

School finally done for the day and still no Chan how am I supposed to even get home. Minho is nowhere to be found either fuck my life.

As soon as I step out the doors it's fucking raining, can this day get any better? I even spent a little extra time this morning doing my hair and for what, today really isn't my day. No use in trying to protect myself from the rain, what's the worst that can happen I get a cold?

I start making my way down the road already drenched head to toe, a little ways down and I stop and look up at the dark sky. The rain falling down on my face actually feels good and as I stood there for a few minutes taking it all in I was suddenly met with the ground.

As I winced in pain and turned over on my back, I looked up my vision slightly blurry, not being able to see much especially with the rain falling down on my face. I didn't know what to expect, was someone after me or was this some prank?

"Looks like little prince here is all by his lonesome. What no bodyguard pretty?" A man's voice echoed through my ears. The said man's hand was suddenly at my throat, picking me up and holding me midair he laughed a wicked laugh and threw me to the ground. A sharp pain went through my head, as I tried to get up, I was kicked in the stomach so hard I started coughing up blood.

"All helpless now, are we? Don't know how to fight without your gun?" The man kicked me in the stomach again and punched me in the face. He knelt down to the ground looking me straight in the face, knife pointed at my face. He dragged the blade over my cheek, and I could see red out of the corner of my eye, and it started to drip into my eye. Dragging the knife still going down to my throat and further down he sliced my chest open cutting right through my shirt.

The rain slowed to a light sprinkle and now the street was colored in red mixed with the water, I couldn't even manage to kick him or grab him. Whoever this guy was he was strong and for some reason knew who I was and after me. I lifted my head just a bit too see the guy stand up, his smile was that of an insane person it held a sort of psycho feel to it.

"Next time I won't go easy on you." The man walked away leaving me lying on the cold wet ground.

I guess this is what it feels like when you're on the other end of it.

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