Making me crazy even more

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It was late at night, and I had to get out of my stuffy room and my parents were suffocating me, I mean yeah, I get it I'm dying but I still need my space. They worry about me all the time and I love them for it, but I just need some me time. So, what did I do, I went out to my normal place. The park.

Somehow years ago, it became my safe place and tonight was just that night where I needed to be safe. My thoughts have been running rampant and I can think nothing but of Hyunjin, he makes me fucking crazy. He tries to avoid me, and I think it's cute, he's always telling me not to get close to him, to stay away from him. He's not good for me, but I think I should be able to tell for myself whether someone is good for me.

Just when I thought I had some peace and quiet there were a couple of guys walking towards the park, I think they're drunk. I didn't care for them, especially them ruining my time and usually I wouldn't be bothered by such things, but something seems off.

"Well, looks like we have ourselves a pretty one here." Says one of the men. "Hmm, sure is fine. Looks though as if he's on his deathbed." The other chuckled. Funny like I haven't heard that a million times before. "Look I don't want any trouble so please go the fuck away." I gritted my teeth.

"This one has a mouth on him. Feisty little shit."

"I suppose we better get this over with."

I had no idea what the fuck these two were talking about and I didn't like it. But before I knew it, I was grabbed and thrown to the ground. It literally knocked the wind right out of me, great now I can't breathe even more than I was able to before.

"Tell us where he is!" One of the men shouted. "We've been watching the people he interacts with, and you just happen to be one of them." The other man chuckled. "Might as well put him out of his misery right now, doesn't look like he has long to live anyways."

I felt my self-fading away, if I had been healthy and normal, I would have been able to maybe just maybe fight back but they both were strong. I was pinned to the ground and my head was being crushed into me ground.

"Look kid he is right you look like death itself so just tell us where he is, and we will end your life sooner for you."

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming towards us, their shoes were crunching against the leaves on the ground.

"I'm right here you fuckers." I heard the voice angrily. "Look pretty boy came out to play." The man pinning me down said. "Let him go." "Now where's the fun in that." I was then pulled up from the ground and had kept me close to him as he now held a gun to my head. The other man pointed his gun directly at...Hyunjin. "You think I care about him? I go to school with him so of course you'll see us together, but I don't give two shits about him. So, looks like you two dumbasses picked the wrong hostage." He said coolly.

Such a Hyunjin thing to say too. I chuckled to myself as I was being held at gun point, right now I was scared but not for me.

"Come with us willingly and we will let your little friend go." The man pointing the gun at him said with impatience. Hyunjin walked towards said man and stood in front of his gun that was now touching his forehead. "Go ahead just kill me." Hyunjin spoke. "Don't. Boss needs him alive." The other said. "He didn't say we couldn't hurt him though." The man with the gun pointed at his head moved just an inch and he grabbed the gun smashing his face in with the butt of the gun.

I watched as the man fell to the ground and without hesitation, Hyunjin shot him in the head. The other man holding me was about to shoot when he shot him in the arm while holding me and we both went down. I managed to get out of his grasp and roll to the side while I watched Hyunjin march over and threw himself on top of him pinning him to the ground. He punched him in the face not once, not twice but repeatedly to the point blood was going everywhere and enough of it splattered on me and Hyunjin was being covered in it.

"Just because I don't have a bodyguard with me doesn't mean I don't know how to fucking handle myself." I heard Hyunjin yell. The man was now very unconscious, and Hyunjin shot him in the head point blank.

I couldn't even begin to understand what was happening right now, all I know is Hyunjin was right for me to stay away from him. But can I?

I was frightened and confused but moreover there was nothing I wanted more than him right now. Hyunjin is dangerous and mysterious, he craves danger, and it follows him.

Hyunjin stood up and threw the gun to the ground and turned around to face me. I was scared for sure but not to the point of running away from him scared. Hyunjin walked over to me and brought his hand up to cup my cheek. I was coughing very heavily right now, and Hyunjin watched me with worry as I fiddled with my oxygen thingy wrapping the tubes over my ears and putting the one end in my nose.

"Right now, I don't know if I want to kiss you or shove you off of a bridge and let you fall to your death." I smiled. "Can I pick?" Hyunjin asked with a chuckle.

I closed the gap between us, and my lips met with his plump ones, and he couldn't control himself as he kissed me back. The kiss was everything I imagined it would be, it was soft and sweet but given more time it would have turned heated real fast. Something I wish could have happened.

But it didn't last long, not when I heard someone come rushing over. "I heard gunfire." The guy panicked.

As we quickly pulled away, I realized it was Hyunjin's so-called stepbrother.

I stood there as Hyunjin looked into my eyes not wanting to leave this spot "I'm not afraid Hyunjin, not of you." I whispered. Hyunjin stepped back but taking hold of my hand turning around to face Chan.

Chan was going over the area and looking at the two dead bodies on the ground looking as if he was going to lose his shit. "I handled it Chan." Hyunjin spat. "Handled it! There was two of them and they could have easily killed you." Chan shouted back. "Well, you weren't here." He yelled back. "Well at least you did this at night and not broad daylight." "Is that all you fucking care about? This is the second time someone has been after me and even threatened someone I'm close with." "I can't tell you Hyunjin...just not now." "Then when Chan? When I'm already dead!"

I could tell Hyunjin was angry and upset, was definitely not to get on his bad side. But there was something in his voice that said he was somewhat scared or sad.

"Lix, you should go back home." he said softly. "Hyunjin, I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere." I replied. "I didn't think you would anyway." He smiled.

I then walked back towards my house, hopefully all this excitement didn't make things worse, I knew Hyunjin was watching me. It made me feel safe.

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