The little bastard

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"Well, I think I have your brother wrapped around my finger, he really fucking hates you." Seungmin chuckled.

I was now in my office and Chan was by my side, Seungmin came in followed by Changbin and Minho trailed behind. Minho came to stand on the other side of me, seems like a second bodyguard in a way.

"Hmm well just do what you have to little one, make him fall under your spell completely. And nice little diversion by the way." I smiled. "Report everything you do and say to Hyunjin, we must take Jeongin down." Chan spoke up. "No worries, I hate the little bastard, but I'll keep my word, he will go down." Seungmin replied.

I dismissed Seungmin and Changbin followed behind him, loyal as fuck that one. But I do have my own good little boy. I looked over at Chan and he had this stern look on his face, like he was ready to defend me at any moment.

"Hyunjin, Felix asked about you." Minho snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked over at Minho and I wanted to lighten up at his name. "Oh?" I replied. "Jisung told me, he's not doing so well. After seeing you today he kind of took his anger out on Jisung and then it weakened him."

I sat back in my chair and couldn't help but hold back tears from falling, Felix was cold to me, and I wanted it that way. He's angry and I understand but I can't be near him.

"Min, just tell Jisung for Felix to not worry about me, it was a phase I went through that's all. He means nothing to me." I spoke. "Fine, but one day will come when you won't be able to talk to him again let alone see him." Minho stormed out of the room.

I stood up kicking my chair behind me and threw everything off my desk in anger.

"Hyunjin, you need to calm down." Chan walked over to me, but I shoved him aside. "Fuck off Chan. Just leave me alone." I spat.

Chan looked taken aback and maybe just a little sad, but I didn't care right now. Chan took the hint and left me alone in my office.

I wanted nothing more than to run to Felix and just hold him in my arms, whisper everything will be alright. In all reality nothing is alright, he's dying and each day he comes closer to it. Felix isn't safe around me and that's that, I know he knows that, but he can't be getting angry and making himself weaker.

My best bet is to completely stay away from him, when I do go to school, I will do my absolute best to avoid him and Jisung by the way.

Stupid little squirrel.

"Chan!" I yelled grabbing my coat and walking towards the door. Chan was already walking down the steps with gun in hand. "It's like you know me so well." I smirked taking the gun from him. "Well at least it's night out." Chan sighed and I just rolled my eyes.

There's nothing like a little late night killing spree to ease the mind and Chan found a couple of low life's needing taking care of.

Getting in the front seat Chan was in the driver's seat and revving the engine we sped off.

We pulled up to a seemingly empty lot but just behind some abandoned cars there were some low life criminals just waiting to get shot in the head by me.

"Look Channie, they're having a party without me." I pouted pointing the gun at them. "Well, I guess they need to be taught a lesson." Chan smirked. Chan went and stood across the way keeping a lookout for anyone else.



Only two stupid low life's, ugh definitely not enough. Didn't even put up a fight.

"Chan! That was no fun." I whined. "Well beggars can't be choosers Jinnie, we will go find more." Chan emerged from the shadows.

Chan took me by the hand and dragged me towards the car, the night is still young and I'm sure I can find a few more people to kill.

Almost to the car and I was grabbed by the back of my shirt and flung across the empty parking lot. "Hyunjin!" Chan yelled.

My head it the ground pretty hard and I'm sure there's blood oozing out of my head but I tried to sit up and see who the fuck attacked me. They really snuck up on us and Chan didn't have a chance to react.

"Well, looks like we had the same idea tonight." Jeongin said. He was smiling like it was nothing, his men had Chan by the throat against the car. "You were late to the party." I spat. "Or maybe I arrived just in time." 

I groaned as I got up and stumbled my way over to the little bastard. "Don't you fucking touch him!" Chan yelled.

I looked over at the guy who had Chan's throat in his hand and then I looked at the other guy who kept punching Chan in the stomach. "Fuck you!" I managed to shove Jeongin out of the way.

Falling to the ground, Jeongin's guy that was punching Chan immediately went over to help him. I had enough energy to yank the other guy off Chan which helped Chan knock him the fuck out.

I however was not having it; I pulled my gun out and shot him point blank. He was already down but I just put him down for good. This grabbed Jeongin's attention and finally standing on his feet again he came after me.

"You know you're a real pain in the ass." Jeongin huffed. He threw a punch at me and landed on my pretty face, stumbling backward a bit a tried to shoot at him but he kicked the gun out of my hand.

Damn he's small but he's strong.

"You son of a bitch!" I shouted. The other guy came at me, but Chan was quick to kick him to the ground. "Just walk away." Chan said. "Seems like you got the better of us, I won't go easy next time." Jeongin spat.

Jeongin and his other guy turned around and walked off.

"That little ass hat, he has it coming to him now." I groaned holding my throbbing head. "Let's just get you back home baby boy." Chan said softly.

Chan helped me to the car and put me in the back seat to lay me down, taking off the tires screeched against the pavement and off we went.

I must have fallen asleep because before I knew it, we arrive at the house, Chan had apparently called Minho and told him to get a first aid kit ready.

Chan carried me up to my room and sat me on my bed. "Damn what the fuck happened?" Minho asked. "Jeongin happened, he caught us off guard." Chan seethed.

Minho helped with my injuries as Chan grabbed some pain meds and since he knows me so well a glass of scotch, he also grabbed me some clothes to change into.

"Thanks Min, I'll take the rest from here." Chan spoke. "Alright just let me know if there's anything else you need." Minho replied stepping out of the room.

Chan helped me change my clothes and like the gentleman he was tucked me into bed. "Thanks Channie." I whispered. "How are you feeling?" Chan asked. "Hmm, like I was taken down by my little brother. Can't believe he got the upper hand." "Well, we won't make the same mistake next time."

Chan went over and turned the lights off, he took his shirt off and pants which just left him in his boxers and slipped in beside me. Wrapping his arm around me I suddenly felt safe, but I always imagine this with Felix and keeping him safe.

But nothing I do will keep him safe, one day he will disappear, and I will never get the chance to hold him again like I did back at the hospital.

I know it seems like a Chanjin story but really, it's not, Hyunlix will be a thing!

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