Love him

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For some reason I couldn't sleep, last night was more than amazing and this time I felt like I had a reason to keep fighting. Hyunjin wasn't going anywhere.

I do, however, feel more tired than I have ever been and it kind of sucks, but I heard some commotion downstairs, so I decided to go check it out. What I wasn't expecting was Chan sitting in my fucking living room. No sign of Hyunjin though it was just him.

"I can't believe you would sell your souls to the devil all because you needed to keep up on bills. He's your son for God sakes, I understand in wanting to do anything for him but the person who is helping you is not the answer." Chan said.

I was just around the corner eavesdropping before I decided to make my presence known.

"It's like you said he's our son and he's been suffering far too long; we can barely keep up with his tuition for school." My mother said. "No offense but he can barely go to school the way it is, wouldn't it have been better to home school him? You put him through a very expensive school." Chan replied.

"What do you know of Mr. Yang anyways if I may ask," asked my father.

"He's a mafia boss that's what he is, the second most feared in all of Miroh and his son goes to school with your son. His son is as horrible as his father and your son Felix is not safe with him. He has done unspeakable things, same goes for his father." Chan explained.

If my parents only knew who I was in love with. They would have a fucking heart attack.

"You don't think we know who you work for Mr. Bang?" My father said. "You say our son is not safe, but you also work for someone in the same business. We have been well informed."

Well, I guess they know. Time to make myself known.

"Yes, you're right but your son has never been safer than he is now when he is with the person I work for. He cares about him genuinely and he is after taking down Mr. Yang and his son. They murdered his mother and now he has no one, only me, his bodyguard and your son Felix. Believe it or not they love each other." Chan spoke up.

"It's true mom." I appeared from around the corner.

"Felix dear." My mother said. "You shouldn't be here son, go back upstairs." Father spoke loudly.

I love my parents, but they are not going to tell me what to do, I may only have a few days left or weeks, months is I'm lucky so no they will not tell me how to live out the rest of my days.

"Everything Chan said is true, and yes, I love one of the most notorious Mafia leaders of Miroh. I'm dying and I need to live my life the way I want for the time I have left. He has no one, he is all alone and he plans to take down them down, the two people who were involved in his mother's murder and one of them is his brother." I said with tears streaming down my face.

"You realize you're not old enough to make such decisions." My father spoke angrily. "And I don't fucking care! You'd rather get help from someone you don't even know just to help pay my hospital bills? You need money that badly? I'm sorry I've been such a fucking burden to the both of you."

I stood there crying my eyes out and for some reason I don't think they realize they are hurting me more than Hyunjin ever did by trying to ignore me. Sure, they may love me, but deep-down money always wins, and for some reason I think there is something else going on here.

"Honey, no need to be dramatic, we just care about you," said my mother. "It's alright, he should know the whole truth. Felix yes, we took the offer to help pay for your hospital bills, but we also took the opportunity to out this Hyunjin boy, we were spying on you. He's no good for you and they want him for their own purposes." My father said rather calmly.

"So, you were spying on your own son just to get some extra money? You do realize they want to kill him." Chan spat. "What they do with him is none of our concern."

So not just for money but they were going to hand Hyunjin over themselves?

"Fuck you both. I want nothing to do with either of you anymore." I cried.

"I am taking Felix with me. I transferred a large sum of money to your accounts; it will pay off all of Felix's hospitals bills and then some. We will take care of your son, and he will get the best care." Chan took my hand and turned me around.

Chan led me to the car outside, not even realizing it but Minho had just come out of my house with all my things. He must have snuck in when we were yelling at each other or when I was crying like a little bitch.

As I got in the back seat and Chan slid in next to me, Minho hopped up front and away we went.

"Hyunjin knows nothing of this Felix. This is my gift to him." Chan said. "You love him, don't you?" I asked.

Chan just gazed out the window with sadness, of course he loves him. Chan has been by his side for how long? He has been with him through the good and the bad.

"Just promise me something. Keep him smiling and love him," said Chan.

Miroh: Maze of lies and loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora