Only a matter of time

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I finally got to go back home, but everything felt off. I feel like nothing is right anymore and that night in the hospital with Hyunjin felt like the end. I know I don't know the whole story about him and his past, he's part of a Mafia family and he kills people for a living. Now his brother or whatever is here to take over, he wants to overthrow Hyunjin, but I know he is stronger than that.

Hyunjin will work out something and besides he has Chan and Minho by his side, he doesn't need me. I would only slow him down; he can find someone so much better than me.

Today at school proved my point.

"Watch where you're going asshat." Someone sneered. "Right back at you asshole, you're a real piece of work." I spoke.

None other than Hwang Hyunjin himself. It's like the first time I met him all over again but this time only worse.

"Felix." Hyunjin said looking up at me. "Hwang." I replied. "Aren't you a ray of sunshine." "Well, this is how I get through things. You should know that." "I do. Never thought you'd act this way towards me." "I learned from the best." I snickered.

Now all I want is to do is forget how much of an ass he is and still see the good in him, but right now I fear that is impossible.

"I'll see you around Lix." Hyunjin walked past me.

I watched him walk down the hallway; ugh why did he still look so fucking hot even walking away?

"Hey Lixie." I heard Jisung say from behind me. "Hey." I replied. "Are you okay?" "No."

I leaned against the lockers and sighed; the one person I fall far I can't even fucking have. Why is the one person I want I can't have? Like I'm fucking dying here.

"Look, I know it has to do with Hyunjin, but I think you must let it go. He's bad news Lix." Jisung patted me on the shoulder.

I stood up straight and turned towards my friend, something in me snapped. "You don't think I fucking know that! He's a mafia boss and kills people for a living, and poor little old me is dying each second of everyday. And all I have is you as a friend, poor excuse for one too." I glared at Jisung before I stormed off.

I know I shouldn't have done that, and I feel like shit now because of it, like literally. Hopefully he will forgive me.

I went through my classes like I was in a daze and not giving a damn about what the teachers were saying. It's not like I really need to know any of this shit, I won't live to see the day where I'm going to need any of this useless knowledge.

It was nearing the last class of the day and I decided to skip, definitely not feeling very well right now, I feel like I'm weaker than ever. I decided to take a walk outside, maybe the fresh air can do me some good.

I found a little spot under a big tree, and I slowly lowered myself to the ground and leaned up against the tree. I looked up at the sky and then closed my eyes letting the sunshine down on me, I feel like I can barely feel the warmth of the sun anymore.

"Can I join?" I heard a voice as I opened my eyes. Minho.

I just nodded my head, and he sat down next to me.

"Are you okay? I ran into Jisung earlier and he told me what happened." Minho said. "Is he okay?" I asked. "He will be, he's worried about you Felix. He's your friend and he doesn't quite know what you're going through but he wants to be there for you." "I know he does, and I love him for that, but I don't know what to do anymore."

For some reason I felt tears stream down my face, great just what I needed. Minho can see how weak I am and goes off and tells Hyunjin how he should definitely stay away from me now.

Lee Felix the dying kid who's a fucking crybaby.

"Felix it's okay." Minho said pulling me into a hug. That was unexpected.

"I-I think I love Hyunjin. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it. I don't know what he feels but just tell him not to worry about me okay." I sniffled. "Felix, everything will be okay, there's just stuff going on right now."

Stuff...I guess I don't really need to know.

"Is Hyunjin alright? With him in the hospital the other day and his brother or whatever, seems like a lot going on." I spoke. "Hyunjin is...Hyunjin and he's strong. He has a lot going on but he's getting through it, he has me and Chan."

Right, he has them.

"I'm glad he has you both and you guys are all he needs." I said trying to get up but almost falling back down in the process, but Minho was right there beside me helping me up.

"Thank you, Minho, and please be there forJisung as he'll need you when I'm...gone." I walked off as tears threatening toescape again. I didn't dare look back at Minho.

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