You're my oxygen

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After Hyunjin properly stretched me, God even just his fingers could do wonders. He waited so I could gain my strength back and then he had lined his dick up with my entrance and slowly started to enter me. Hyunjin was watching me carefully; I know my face probably showed some pain in but soon I relaxed. "It will hurt for just a bit. Let me know when to move okay." Hyunjin spoke softly.

I nodded his head, tears rolling down my cheek, but Hyunjin was quick to wipe them away.

Hyunjin waited for a few minutes before I gave him permission to move, Hyunjin kissed me to try and distract me before pulling out and thrusting back into me. Moving at a slow speed and making sure I was as comfortable as possible, he kissed me to drown out my moans and I pushed him back slightly so I could take off my oxygen and laid it to the side.

He was all the oxygen I needed.

Hyunjin gave me an all to worrying look, but I pulled him back into a kiss and Hyunjin held me gently as he continued to thrust in and out of me.

"Mhmm Hyunjin, i-it feels good. D-don't stop." I moaned.

I never imagined once again I would be able to feel this amount of pleasure, this amazing feeling. Sure, people can feel it whenever they want to whether it's to themselves or having others do it for them. Me however only wanted to feel it with him, my very own sexy as fuck mafia leader. 

Hwang Hyunjin.

Hyunjin decided to pick up the speed a bit and he knows he found my spot just then and I arched my back as immense pleasure traveled through me and I let out a very loud moan.

"Fuck Felix, let me hear you."  Hyunjin smirked.

Continuing moaning uncontrollably, Hyunjin kissed me with such force and hunger, and I gripped him by his hair and fuck it was such a turn on for the both of us.

I know Hyunjin wanted this to last as long as possible as did I, but I know he is being very cautious but at the same time I know I wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. Hyunjin then grabbed my oxygen and put it back on me as I know soon, I will need it. And Hyunjin knew.

"Hyunjin, I th-think...I can feel something." I whimpered. "It's okay baby, whenever you're ready." Hyunjin assured me.

A few minutes later and I came, and my grip on Hyunjin loosened. Hyunjin came soon after and slowly rode out his high, he then peppered my face with kisses and left a trail up and down my neck.

Fuck it's like I'm on some sort of a high right now and I don't ever want it to end.

"Hyunjin." I whispered. "Yes, my little ghost." Hyunjin kissed my forehead.

He gently caressed my cheek, I still had a few tears, but they were of joy and pleasure. There was nothing in this moment that was pain.

"Are you okay?" Hyunjin asked worriedly. "Y-yes, a little weak but it was worth it." I whispered. "Felix." Hyunjin eyed me but I couldn't help but just chuckle.

He then wrapped me up in his arms and took me upstairs and he didn't give a damn who saw us.

When we got to his room, Hyunjin drew a bath and lowered me into it while he got in behind me, I rested against his chest, and I was breathing heavily but the more I laid back against him I relaxed.

I don't know how long we were in there, but I was relaxed and calm, I don't think we would have ever gotten this chance if we wouldn't have gone for it, but I also know it will never happen again.

This may be the only time for this to happen, each day I feel my body get weaker and tonight just doubled that. Hyunjin doesn't know, I don't want to worry him as he as so much more important things to worry about than me.

Hyunjin then got out of the tub and pulled me up with him, drying us both of and grabbing us some clothes to sleep in he led me to his bed and watched me lay down. Hyunjin then climbed in next to me and pulled him against him, I grabbed a hold of his hands and held them tight.

"Thank you Hyunjin." I whispered. "Don't thank me, Felix." Hyunjin replied. "Well, I would have died a virgin so..." "And you ruined the moment." I couldn't help but laugh.

Just then I began shuddering in his grasp and I started coughing violently.

"Felix! Hey, hey are you okay?" Hyunjin asked worriedly turning to face me. I sat up and continued coughing. Hyunjin couldn't do much but hold me and try to comfort me and I knew he was about to call the nurse, I stopped him.

"I'm f-fine, don't call the nurse." My coughing let up.

I don't think I have ever seen Hyunjin looked so scared before, he was so vulnerable right now and it was beautiful.

After a few minutes my coughing died down and Hyunjin gave me some water, drinking the water and then setting the glass down I looked up at him.

Hyunjin looked down at my lips and brought his thumb up to wipe away a droplet of blood. "Felix, come let's sleep." Hyunjin kissed me.

As we laid down, we were facing each other, and I snuggled up to him burying my face in his chest. Hyunjin wrapped his arm around my waist and gently stroked my hair with his other hand, I was relaxing under his touch, and I was very tired and wanted to sleep.

"Hyunjin, I love you," I whispered.

I had closed my eyes then letting sleep overtake me but before I completely fell asleep, I could hear Hyunjin whisper back to me.

"I love you my little ghost." 

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