Fuck the world

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I was finally free from the hospital and Channie boy took me home, it was like I was in a daze the whole time after what happened with Felix.

I wanted to go further with him, and I could sense he did too, but I stopped before it got out of hand. I would be lying to myself if I said I wasn't going to get pulled into him again, seems like in one way or another I was always be drawn to him.

"Earth to Hyunjin." Chan called me snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh uh, sorry." I replied. "Everything okay? You've been out of it ever since we left the hospital." "Just not feeling down for once is all." "Did something happen? The other night I woke up and you weren't in your bed."

I stayed silent for a moment; he has some sense of my feelings for Felix but for some reason I feel like Chan might get jealous.

"You went to see him." Chan spoke. "I did, my body led me there before I knew where I was going." I replied softly.

When we stepped inside Chan's place, he led me the couch and made sure I was comfortable. I missed the days when we just sat together or cuddle in each other's presence, there were times we fought and there were times when we didn't speak for days but in the end, he was always there for me.

I don't think there was ever a time when I saw him as my brother, he was like family yes but in some ways, I always knew there was an attraction between us.

I'm going to hate myself for this, but I think I found my way to forget about Felix...my little ghost.

"Channie, can we put our differences aside, I've missed you." I placed myself on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I know it's going to be hard to forgive me, but I've missed you too." Chan replied pressing his lips onto mine.

Things got heated fast and he picked me up taking me to his bedroom and throwing me on the bed.

"Always so wrecked and beautiful." Chan smirked.

This is actually the first time Chan and I have gone further than just a heated make out session, I'm not going to lie though I am highly turned on. These feelings are only temporary, they were hidden away and brought back to the surface.

Nothing will compare my feelings towards Felix though.

After a good couple hours Chan fucking wrecked me and I thought I was a dominant one, but he tops it all. It was definitely different from all the random one night stands I had that's for sure, but it felt nice.

"Jinnie, you were amazing. Never thought we would actually get this far." Chan whispered in my ear. "Neither did I Channie boy, it was pretty great though." I smiled.

Both of us lying in bed with Chan's big arms wrapped around me, in some ways I felt secure. We fucked for hours and late into the night it felt nice just being here cuddle up to each other.

"Don't think I don't know what you're doing though." Chan nibbled on my earlobe. "I know you're not dumb Chan. I just had to forget about him, had to...no have to stay away from him." I spoke quietly. "Jinnie, you know I can protect him too just say the word." "I know, but it's best I just stay away all together."

Turning around I faced Chan, and damn he looked hot just after fucking. "Please Chan, just help me forget, help me to stay away. I want to move back home, but I think as big as a house it is...move in with me." I cupped his cheek with my hand gently caressing with my thumb.

It was silent for a while, and I don't know if it was a good sign or not. It was a big leap but this way we would be together, and he would still be my bodyguard and with me at all times.

"Minho comes with." Chan grinned. "I wouldn't have it any other way." I smirked pulling him in for a kiss.

No, I don't want him, but I knew Chan wouldn't agree otherwise. Guess he's not all bad company.

"Hyunjin, I think you should let Jeongin have the school." Chan spoke. "I can't let him win Channie." I spoke. "He won't, he takes the school, and you stay at the mansion figuring out how to take him down. And I will be right there with you, and don't worry you will still have the good grades like you did before."

Sounds like everything is coming into place.

While I sit back at the mansion going through all my mother's files and accounts Jeongin can take his place at school and think he has me right where he wants me. I can get back out there and hunt down the other mafia families who got into my family's business, and I can try to figure out how to take Jeongin and his father down.

"You are the hottest fucking mafia leader there is, and I get to fuck you." Chan rolled over me as I lay under him once again.

Fuck everything and everyone.

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