May as well do what you want

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Another fun filled day at school, and somehow, I enjoy getting to school and sitting in the courtyard with my bestie.

I find myself every day that I get to be at school waiting for him, waiting for him to walk through those gates. He's always coming in with his two...fuck I don't know call them his bodyguards even though the 'buffer' one is said to be his stepbrother or some shit, not believing that for a fucking second.

After our little encounter at night in the park I felt even more drawn to him than I did before, he was very intriguing indeed.

A cold-hearted Mafia boss, but there's a glimmer of humanity in him. He's also beautiful and sexy as hell.

There he was in all his glory; I can still see the faded scar and it made him look even more fucking attractive than he already was.

I must be horny as hell or something.

Caught him staring my way once at least so I'll take it, Jisung however was trying very hard to get my attention and it was cute, nonetheless. My little squirrel friend and his cute little crushing on his boy. Sometimes he makes it way too obvious, wonder if I'm ever like that?

When the bell signaled the start of classes, we went our separate ways and when I walked into class there, he was sitting in his desk looking out the window. And of course, he was looking flawless as fuck.

"Anything interesting out there?" I whispered. He turned his head to see me standing next to him with a smirk plastered on my face. "Oh no just my stepbrother on a call. Nothing is as interesting as you are though." The taller smiled. "Keep it up and I'll have you on your knees in no time." I whispered right into his ear.  As I turned, his face just inches from mine were so close to one another one wrong move and our lips would be touching. "Seems like you're not too afraid of me." he spoke. "And you're not afraid to be talking to me." I replied. "Nothing scares me little ghost." He smirked.

When I sat down at my desk, I could hear some of the girls being the bitches they are and whispering and glaring at me. Kind of funny if you ask me, them girls jealous of me?

I swear I could hear blondie snickering next to me too.

An uneventful day of classes again...thank God its lunch time.

Jisung and I walked into the lunchroom together and I heard a bunch of squealing girls just over yonder. Both of us turned our heads and saw hot blondie himself surrounded by his fans I guess you could say, and it was kind of a funny sight.

Them poor girls have no fucking chance.

So, I made my way over to him even though Jisung was trying to pull me away.

"Hey there Mr. Mafia, you looked lonely." I giggled. "Mhmm my little stalker." Blondie smirked. "Looks like you have quite the following." Jisung piped up. "Sadly, yes and they are very fucking annoying. Had one of them dig their claws into me earlier this morning and took everything in me not to fling her across the room." He replied grimly. "I can see why you don't have friends." Jisung stifled a laugh.

I couldn't help but join in on that, even he chuckled at Jisung's remark.

And then he glared.


"This one is mine ladies." Jisung's crush came up to blondie and planted a big kiss on his cheek. All I could hear were boo's and ahh's from the girls and I couldn't keep my laughter in. He rubbed off the boy's germs from his face and looked at him annoyed. "You guys are together?" Jisung asked. "Ha fuck no. He just likes to mess with me. Besides I got someone in mind." Blondie replied. "Aw I'm hurt Jinnie." The other said dramatically. "Besides Minho has a thing for little brown furry rodents." Blondie chuckled.

So, this one's name is Minho, Jisung's crush.

Oh, Jisung is so blushing hard right now it's adorable.

But what me curious was the taller saying he had someone else already in mind. Does he already have someone? 

Fuck who am I kidding, no one fucking wants me.

Minho punched him in the arm and gave him the death glare, Jisung looked horrified, and it was quite hilarious to be honest. Blondie looked over at me and he couldn't help but smile at me "I think you scared my friend." I spoke softly. "It's true though, Minho has had his eye on your little friend." He replied. I placed my hand on his thigh and when he realized it was me, it was like his whole body froze in response to my touch. I honestly thought he would throw my hand off, but he let me keep it there and he seemed oddly satisfied with the action.

I never would have been so bold before but fuck it, it's not like I have much long to live anyways. Might as well make the best of what I have and that means trying to get closer to Mr. Mafia here.

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