The day my life changed

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That day when I first saw him just across the street, his cold gaze stared back at me. I was outside just trying to get some fresh air like I usually did when I felt down or lonely. 

It was a cloudy gloomy day and there was a storm brewing on the horizon, sometimes those are my favorite kind of days. In some ways I felt good, I didn't feel like I was dying like I normally did all the time.

I was diagnosed when I was very young and I have been in and out of hospitals all my life, I always thought I had nothing to live for anymore.

I couldn't even attend school like a normal person either and I hated that, all I wanted to be was a normal teenager experiencing the ups and downs of high school. I wanted to experience all the first loves and heartbreaks.

All I had was my best friend who I tried to live vicariously through and sometimes his life was just as boring. He tried his best though to always make sure I wasn't the freak that everyone else treated me to be.

I was forever grateful to Jisung.

Right now, though I had a glimmer of hope.

He brought life back into me, I only ever was around my parents, or my best friend and I don't count the ass holes at school either.

I was also forever grateful to you.

I knew our neighbor had a cousin and I saw them come and go all the time but this time there was a new person.

He was honestly the best thing I've ever seen; he was tall and gorgeous as fuck with his long blonde hair. Most people would have been turned off by his cold demeanor, but not me. With each passing second as he looked at me, I couldn't help but get lost in his eyes.

He was cold and heartless some may say but to me he was just the beginning of a whole new world for me.

We stood there for several minutes it seemed like and our gazes were locked onto each other, but like all things it didn't last long. He was interrupted by the buffer looking male, I believe his name is Chan and then he looked away.

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle and for some odd reason I think he heard me, with only a glimmer of his lips turning upwards he walked away.

I didn't know that, that day would change my life forever.

I was thrown into a whirlwind of new things and experiences; I was falling for a man I barely knew, and it scared the shit out of me.

You Hwang Hyunjin changed my life.

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