367 18 1

"Go on dates with us... we  want you to choose by the end with one of us do you actually want to be with.." That was repeatedly playing in Hyunjin's head. He couldn't believe he excepted that proposal that was quite stupid he thought.

But the two boys had this look in their eyes. It was fierce, cold, and hot. Hyunjin blushed at the thought of the two boys is face. He couldn't believe that they both liked him. It was quite shocking, and he didn't know who he liked.

Both treated him well, Minho was kind, wise, honest, cared on how others felt never made everything about him, and loved the boy through thick and thin. But Jisung was fun, outgoing child at heart, sweet, adventurous, and cared so much about the red haired boy. It's hard how could he choose? At least he has three months to figure everything out.

The red haired boys sighed he couldn't finish his lunch wasn't appetizing anymore . Now he grabbed his bag and made his way outside to sit by an oak tree, grabbing his elf bar and taking a puff.

Letting the flavored air take over his body, he wanted to forget everything everything about Jisung and Minho liking him, down to the stupid bet he agreed to. Gosh, why did he agree to it?


The tall boy just got home, throwing his bag onto the couch and jumping into his bed, today was an exhausting day. He was going on a date with Jisung tomorrow afternoon who's going to be at a cute café with puppies, he was excited yet anxious.

"Hyunji, get your ass down here. I have to tell you something it's important!" Yeji yelled, out from downstairs. Hyunjin groaned not wanting to get back up but he's annoying sister continue yelling. " shut up here I come! gosh you're annoying..." he yelled back, whispering the last part.

Hyunjin came down the stairs to see his sister sitting at the dining table with a girl. "What do you want? And why is Ryujin here?" " that's what I want to talk to you about! now shut up and sit." Yeji grabbed Ryujin's hand holding it above the table.

"Ryujin and I are dating.." She said, quite quiet scared what her brother would say. " Oh well, congratulations?" The orange haired girl turned her head with a confused expression. "Why do you seem so non shocked about it?"

The red haired boy looked at the raven girl. "You're telling me this whole time you haven't been dating?" Now all three of them are confused looking back and forth at each other. "Wait you thought we were dating before now I only just asked her a week ago!"

The raven haired girl exclaimed." I mean, could you blame me? You two we're so in love with each other. I'm pretty sure everyone thought y'all were dating."

"I- excuse me, you knew we liked each other? Now this is kinda embarrassing.." the taller tilted his head kinda of confused. "What you thought I wouldn't support? Sis I like guys." Yeji blush forgetting that smallish detail, how could she be so stupid?

"Umm well thank for the support I'm going up to my room and you can do as you please, come on Ryujin." The taller laughed. 'Why can't I be like that?' He questioned himself. 'Why can't I be happy, why is my life so confusing?'

Just then he heard a knock on the door. He went to the door and opened it to see the squirrel boy standing with his big doe eyes looking up. "Hi, Jinnie! Can I come in?" Jisung said with a huge smile on his cute face.

The taller moved to the side to let the boy in. "What brings you here?" The red haired boy asked before plopping down onto the couch. He had his arms open inviting the smaller in for cuddles.

The raven haired boy gladly expected climbing into the boys lap, snuggling his nose into the nape of the slightly older boys neck.

"So you came here for?" Jisung raised his head looking at Hyunjin, with the same doe eyes. "What I can't see you anymore? Your too grown to hang out with me? I just came over cause I missed you, you've locked yourself at home since we told you that we both like you... I thought you didn't want to do it anymore. And also I'm pretty nervous about our date tomorrow."

Jisung spoke softly, laying his head back down on the taller shoulder after finishing is sentence. "I'm also quite nervous about the date too but it's going to be with puppy's! It's going to be nice and chill.. and also why would you think I wouldn't want to do it anymore?

I'm just thinking I like you both.. Ha I guess I'm going though the same thing as you when you had to choose between Minho and I..."

"Yeah but I choose the wrong person don't be like me... I'm really sorry Hyunjin, I'm sorry for not choosing you in the first place, I was stupid thinking he was the one for me. And I respect whatever decision you make even if it isn't me..." Hyunjin held the boy closer to him, not ever wanted to let go.

"Gosh your so cute... I can't stand you." Jisung smiled and whispered softly as he yawned. "Then sit down I'm a lot to handle... I love you BooBoo.."

The taller chuckled at the first part but pause at the fact Jisung said 'I love you' the three made a agreement not to have sex, not forcing Hyunjin into dating the and no saying 'I love you.'

"Yeah you too Ji.."

The long red haired boy slowly woke up from the brightest of the sun. He realized that he wasn't on the couch but in his room on his bed. He look to the side of him to see a small boy holding onto him as he slept.

Hyunjin kissed the boy's head before lightly rubbing his back to wake him up. "Baby, wake up... did I sleep walk in here?" Jisung scrunched his nose and eyes not wanted to walk up. "No I carried... I carried you in here..." the raven boy said half asleep and snuggling more into Hyunjin.

The tall boy blushed, he carried the red hairs all the way upstairs. He knew he wasn't that heavy but still it meant a lot.  The slightly older sighed before climbing over the small boy and attacking him with kisses.

The squirrel boy woke up instantly with a wide grin on his face as he laugh. "Okay I'm up, I'm up!" Jisung said getting from under the cover, sitting up before placing a soft kiss on the tallers lips.

"Morning Sungie, brush your teeth and get dress you can wear an outfit of mine." The raven boy smiled before getting out bed to do as the Pisces boy said. Hyunjin got out of bed a well going into the bathroom with Jisung.

Reaching over the small boy to grab he toothbrush. He wrapped his arm around the small waist of the ravens, looking into the mirror making eye contact with him. "Brush your teeth." The tall boy spoke softly. The Virgo boy blush before grabbing a new toothbrush from the drawer.


Would write more but I have school tomorrow and also I'm really lazy. 😭 I think this was a cute little chapter hope u think the same-🐀

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