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(Halloween special)

Hyunjin got dressed. He decided to be Victor Van Dort for the party, he dyed his hair back to it original color black and even got a undercut under that beautiful long hair. He tied his hair up into a ponytail, going into the bathroom to do his makeup.

His foundation was a little be too light for him but that was perfect in this case. He applied the pale foundation to his skin using both a brush and beauty sponge to blend out.

After that he grabbed an eyeshadow palette and dipped into the grays, blending it into his eyes creating a smoky effect. The last thing he did was add some concealer to his lips for a pale lip. He was finish happy with his results.

The boy grabbed his customized suit for the character,putting it on with reddish brown and black striped socks and plain black suit shoes. He made his way downstairs with his keys in hand and a bottle of alcohol in the other.

"Party time here we go."


Hyunjin parked his car, getting out with the alcohol in hand and a backpack on his back. He walked into the house seeing that it was a full house. Walking around he spotted a few people he knew such like his sister, Chan, Felix, Seungmin, Jisung and "Minho? How are you?"

The older boy smiled seeing a face that he recognized. "I could be better, what about you?" Hyunjin frowned seeing the smile on Minhos face sadden. "I'm good but what making you not have a good day?"

The older looked at a certain boy causing Hyunjin to look that way as well. Felix was the boy the two were starring at, he looked back at them with a frustrated expression, turn his head talking back at Chan. The taller face softened looking back at Minho.

"Hey don't be sad over that... I sorry about this situation it's all my fault." The boy lowered his head feeling tears forming in his eyes. Minho raised the boys head back up looking him in his eyes. "It's not you fault okay? It's my completely my fault."

Hyunjin nodded his head blinking and coming back to the reality of a how hardly can here your own thoughts party. "Thanks hyung... and you look really cute in the Judy Hoops costume."

"Hey don't call me cute I think I looking handsome right now not cute." The taller giggled at what the older said. "But you are cute. And you're also handsome too." Minho smiled giving the boy a kiss. "Thank you Princess and you also look really good too."

"Thanks... well I'll see you again soon." Hyunjin said hugging the older before making his way to Jisung. "Hello Mavis Dracula, shocked to see you here." Jisung turned around to see the tall boy with a smile on his face.

"Ha, and hello to you too Victor." The shorter giggled wrapping his arms over the taller boys neck. "I'm sorry I had to come over her and ask but are you a single? I mean you so beautiful how could you not be in a relationship?"

"I'm married and have a child. But aren't you also married?" Jisung's mouth hung slightly open, his eyes were filled with pure innocence something about him was different. "I am but you can be the second."

Jisung stood on his tippy toes, arms still wrapped around the boys neck as he kissed the pillow lips. Hyunjin naturally wrapped his arms around the small waist of Han Jisung.

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