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Jisung thought it was best for Hyunjin to hang out with Minho since he's been with the taller for more than a month. The taller was kinda upset but it was true he did need to see Minho and be around him more. Minho was laying in Hyunjin's bed with his newly dyed orange hair, the tall boy help him dye it, it was a fun little activity they both did.

"Come here Princess.." Minho whispered a bit aggressively. Hyunjin turned to look at the old before snuggling into him. "Min... Can we stare at the stars? It seems so romantic and beautiful.. We should do camping together too, No tonight! What do you think?" Minho chuckled at the excited boy, it made him happy to see the younger happy.

"Woah, calm down Princess, you wanna do camping, with like outdoors and bugs?" It went silent for a moment before the raven haired boy spoke. "But Bubba you have money.. why not just buy us a nice tent for us to stay in?"

"What did you call me?" Hyunjin was confused, what the tangerine haired boy could be talking about. "Min?" "No, No you called me Bubba.." The tall boy flushed pink in embarrassment, did he really not notice he call Minho by a stupid name. "I'm sorry Min... I don't know where that came from."

Minho laughed once again at the cuteness of the boy. "No don't be I like it call me that for now on okay Princess?" Hyunjin nodded his head quickly only earning another laugh from the older. "Okay fine, pack your make sure to bring big spray and enough blankets and clothes."

The tall boy screamed in excitement, he was so happy that Minho agreed to go camping with him. It was a cute sight for the older male, Hyunjin didn't realize little things he did or said, it was cute little things he did that took Minho over the moon.

He was just his little baby that he wanted to hold and kiss all day long, but sadly he had to share with someone he once loved. It's not like he hated Jisung now it just not the same feeling he had for him. Minho sighed, what was he thinking about?

"Are you ready Princess?"

"Yes B-Bubba!"


They were on the road for they hour long drive to the campground. Hyunjin was stoked to go on this cozy adventure with his hyung. He loved the outdoors and just nature in general, he loved the atmosphere, the smell, seeing unique bugs and animals, he loved it all.

Hyunjin might have slightly over packed his belongings but he felt like everything he packed was going to be useful in some way or another. He had a small bag of potatoes chips in his lap, softly but quickly munching on the salty snacks. "Minho, do you want a chip?" Minho glanced quickly at the boy before looking back at the road.

"No I'm good, eat up Princess we still have and long way ahead of us." The taller doe eyes burned holes though Minho neck, he could tell the to boy was worried about him since he hadn't at hardly any since he woke up. "Are you sure? I have some more snacks in the back... please can you just eat one bag? That's all I'm asking."

The orange haired sighed, he couldn't argue with Hyunjin it would be pointless, so instead of arguing he agreed, one bag of chips wouldn't hurt anyone. Hyunjin giggled, before opening and fresh new bags of delicious starchy potato chips, he did a little airplane motion before placing it in Minho's mouth.

A good crunch could be heard before the sound of a mouth opening again, begging for more. Giggling was heard also again before rustling of a bag was heard, this continued the whole car way.

Once the two finally reached their destination the two first grabbed there newly fresh tent that was still in it box. "Are you sure this is private?" Hyunjin asked as he looked around to see if anyone else was there. "Yeah, I had to book it for tonight lucky no one else booked it before us." Hyunjin hummed as he placed he belongings on a bench before running up to Minho to help him.

Once the two boys finally finished putting up their tent (with multiple mistakes) they got inside of the warm and cozy tent. The tent was pretty big it had a built in heating to keep them warm, a blow up queen bed, small blow up couch and and table the two had brought.

Hyunjin grabbed the freshly new pillows, blankets and covers, nicely placing them on the bed. It was finally finished the two sighed as the sat on the bed. Silence taking over before two different laughters were heard.

"That took longer than I expected it to." Minho smiled at what Hyunjin said. "Yeah but it was worth it wasn't it Princess?" The older said bopping the taller boys nose. The tall boy sighed softly before laying down in the cozy bed he just made, he waited for Minho to lay down so he could snuggle into him.

What a perfect night...


Okay this chapter is a tad bit shorter than my last but it's okay... and to everyone that was confused I'm an idiot and accidentally published this chapter ~(>_<~) and sorry for being gone for so long.Anystraight luv u -🐀

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