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Hyunjin had barely woken up but whatever he was laying on was the most comfortable thing ever. So warm, soft and "Minho hyung!" He shouted quietly. He tried to get up but Minho and Jisung's arms were around him, He tried to remember how he got there then it clicked.


"Hyungie, Ngh~ Yes right there." He said moan into the olders ear. "Princess you look so hot right now letting me hump you and Jisung giving you that mark. Your such a slut."

Hyunjin moaned even louder then before. Legs wrapped tightly around the elders waist as he continued to dry hump him. With Jisung he was behind the two giving Hyunjin the biggest hickey he could.

So dark and so visible that anyone could see it from miles (kilometers) away. Jisung's swollen lips greedy for Hyunjin's lips.

He got in front of the taller and turned Hyunjin's head to face him, looking so hungry he started to attack his lips. Not a soft meaningfully kiss like last one, but a heated make out session. Hyunjin must be in heaven, two guys not just one but two?

Minho the more laid back, cool kid being so dominant with him and Jisung the quiet but funny guy once you get to know him only wanting attention. About thirty minutes later they were all tired. Hyunjin fell on top of Minho.

"Don't forget about me I'm here!" The two older looked at the younger who was pouting their hearts couldn't take it. "Baby we would never forget you." "Yeah what Hyunjin just said Love we could never come here we can cuddles together until we fall asleep."

"Okay, I love you both so much."

"Same, but let's got to sleep I'm sleepy."

"Alright, Good night, Princess. Good night, Love."

"Good night."

"Good night, Hyung. Good night, Jinnie."

End of flashback

The tallest cheeks grew red as he remembered the night before. He snuggled more into Minho's chest, How can something like that happen? Not only with his crush but with Jisung's crush as well. He didn't know how to feel, excited or scared but what ever it was he had to figure it out could it could be bad.

"Morning, Princess." Hyunjin blush at the nickname and by Minho's Morning voice. "Morning hyung." He smiled and lightly shook Jisung. "Hmm, No five more minutes I don't want to go to school?" Jisung mumbled. "We don't have school remember? Spring break."

"Then why the fuck are you waking me upppp!" Jisung whined. "Cause you and Hyunjin both have hang overs so come on let's fix that."

"No, I don't want pop no more!" "Come on Ji, it's good for you!" Hyunjin laughed at the two. Seeing Jisung not wanting to eat his soup. "It taste like ass!" Minho laughed at the youngest comment. "And how do you know what ass taste like your obviously a bottom."

"Okay I know I am, that's just what I imagine it tasting like." He said. "Hyunjin please tell him not to fed me it- Hey Hyunjin what's that mark on your neck?" Hyunjin's soul left his body at that point.

"Oh, um when Felix was curling my hair he accidentally burn me." Such a perfect lie Jisung is stupid he'll fall for it. Hyunjin thought to himself. "Oh my goodness, are you okay did it hurt?" Minho just sat there with a smirk on his face.

"Oh really you burn yourself that really crazy." Minho said getting up to grab his coffee. He just stared at Minho realizing he remembered everything from last night. "Yeah but it's g-getting better." Hyunjin said with a little stutter.

"Yeah okay, I hope it heals." "Yea, I'll even kiss it to make it feel better!" Hyunjin just smiled. "Okay thanks."


Another short chapter but whatever it's cool right? Anyways school was stressful due to test but it's all good now. 🐀

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