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"Yes,I know but he's so fucking perfect! I mean look at his wouldn't you fall for him too?" Hyunjin chuckled at the younger not even seeing him like this, In a way it was really cute.

"I won't lie he is pretty hot." "See, I knew I wasn't the only one! And guess what, His also for Australia! We were literally made for each other!"

"Have you talk to him? He seems like he's a nice person, and you still haven't told me his name." Felix had a thick layer of blush running from ear to ear.

"His name is Christopher Bang, And we've only talked cause we're both in majoring in communication. I get nervous talking to him, I'm afraid that I'll do something embarrassing and embarrass myself."

"Well I think you should talk to him more y'know, to get to know him better and to find out if he's a murder or something like that."

Felix giggled as Hyunjin played in the shoulder length hair. "You're hair is longer than mine and I'm pissed, like I'm going to have to chop this off."

"Cut it I dare you, I'll hire a hit man to kill you." The freckled boy said turning to face Hyunjin. "Gosh you're real lucky your hot or I would jump you."

This is their friendship a very chaotic one but a genuine one. Even though Felix can't speak Korean fluently he still tries his best for his friends to understand him. And Hyunjin is there helping him speak it.

"I noticed something, I noticed that you and Jisung's boyfriend have gotten close. I mean I don't know him but for what you've told me what's that about?"

He said with a smirk as he wiggled his eyebrows up and down before giggling. "No, Minho hyung and I are just friends, and plus he likes Jisung."

"Ah, yeah sure. And I guess I'm John Cena, come on Hyunjin its so obvious man and if I'm right you own me a hundred bucks!" The Virgo boy yelled pointing his finger in front of the tallers face. "Yeah, alright sure."

Minho pushed Jisung against the wall of an empty classroom, staring recklessly into his eyes. "Do you know how long I've waited for this? I was the one who had no fun when you and Hyunjin were making out, Now it's my turn." The older boy said attacking to small boys lips.

Aggressively kissing him not wanting this moment to ever end. "Ah~ Minho hyung, I wanted... this.... So bad." He said in between kisses. Minho smiled now kissing Jisung's neck.

"Same here Love, yours so addicting, I'm addicted to you." Jisung grabbed onto Minho's hair as he sucked on the sweet spot located on Jisung's neck.

"Shit, Minho Hyung, If we don't stop now I might do insane." Minho smirked and kisses jisung lips again. "I just want everyone to know your mine and mine only."

"Then make me yours." Minho stared at Jisung kinda shocked but how confident at he younger was. "Okay bet, Han Jisung will you be my boyfriend?"

Jisung leaned to kissing Minhos sweet lips. "Fine, I'll be your little boyfriend." The younger giggled looking up at the boy that looked like a little bunny.

Minho wore a smirk on his face before getting pulled by the collar of his shirt and having a a soft kiss placed on his lips. "Mine." "Yours?" Jisung kissed him one last time looking into his shiny eyes. "My boyfriend, Mine."

"Alight, My love, I love you."

Jisung smiled showing off his cute little smile. "I love you too, Lee Minho!"

Hyunjin cried and cried while he sat on his bed with a carton of ice cream in his hand. Jisung and Minho hyung were dating, of course his happy for his two friends but all the feelings he has for Jisung can't just go away. They never have and they never will.

He sat there watching "The Fallout" as he ate the plain vanilla ice cream. He liked Minho he was nice and everything but Hyunjin got pushed to the side like always and he hated it.

Why is he coming second when he was first? Why did Jisung chose Minho if he knew Hyunjin had feelings for him? All these questions circled in Hyunjin's head that was all he could think about. It hurts knowing that you and the people you love have to same feelings but they place you in second place when you should have been first.

"Maybe I should try move on."


Okay I swear if you guys cant see the difference for the first version of this chapter then I'm going to Kill myself not literally but you know what I mean! -🐀

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