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About a week with Jisung and his little brother living with Minho, The bound between Jisung and Minho got stronger. Hyunjin visited every two days just to check up on his best friend.

He could see how close the two were getting and it made him jealous, jealous because Jisung wasn't in his arms but in someone else's. Of course his happy for Jisung that he found someone as sweet and perfect as Minho but it's not him.

His had a crush on Jisung since first year of secondary school, They were so young and dumb. Anytime Hyunjin was around Jisung he always tried to hold his hand but never did because he was too afraid.

He smiled to himself as he stepped out of his car getting closer to Minho's house. He knocked, A shirtless Minho opened the door. "You should take a photo It'll last longer."

A staring Hyunjin looked at the ground. "That cringy." He mumbled loudly Minho smiled at the blushing boy . "Here come in." Hyunjin walked in and sat on the couch.

"I wish I could see your shy face all the time." The older said walking towards Hyunjin. "Well I'm only shy around you." "Only around hyungie? Hmm you know Hyunjin you never seem to call me hyung why is that?"

Hyunjin got shy again not really knowing the answer to that question. "I don't know, why you want me to call you hyung?" "Yes, I would. After all I am older." Hyunjin laughed. "Okay Hyung, Um can we have a sleep over like you, Jisung and I, I'll be really fun but only if your okay with it."

Minho rubbed Hyunjin's thigh as he looked at him. "Yeah why not it seem fun, It'll be good for us to know more about each other." Hyunjin started heating up the more Minho moved his hand up. "Ngh~ Yep, Um do you want to come with me to get my stuff." Minho hand so close to Hyunjin's member not turning the taller on more.

Was it the fact the was shirtless and looking so hot with his wet hair or was it the sexual tension between the two. Maybe both what ever it was Hyunjin wanted it.

But then again Hyunjin was in love with Jisung, Not Minho. "Yeah, I can go with you I'll drive just tell me were you live." Bringing the younger back to reality got up and with to the door.

The three boys in the eldest boy living room laying on the floor with a little fort going on that Hyunjin and Jisung built.

"Yeah, so Jinyoung is now living with my aunt since she just move to Australia but she lives all the way in Melbourne which is a hour and like twenty minutes just to fly from Sydney to Melbourne, But at least his happy."

"At least you're free and can do what ever and you can stop working for all that time and get yourself a job in your field." Jisung agreed with Minho. "Yeah I guess that's true. Okay but let's do something like play a game or something. Hyunjinnie, got any suggestions?" The taller thought of a minute.

"We could play truth or dare?"Hyunjin said almost questioning himself "Uw, yes okay Minho hyung truth or dare?"


"I dare you... I dare you to have your shirt off for the rest of the game." Jisung said looking at his hands. "Easy enough, okay Hyunjin truth or dare?"


"Is it true that your a virgin?" The question not only shocking Hyunjin but Jisung as well. "Um well, yes I still have my virginity." "Okay this game escalated quickly we went from taking shirts off the talking about people's sex life. Anyway Hyunjin your turn." Jisung said.

"Truth or dare, Hannie?"


"I dare you to kiss me." The room went silent. "Jinnie, I-" Jisung looked at Minho who had a slick smirk on his face. He looked back at Hyunjin, Hyunjin with the biggest eyes filled with stars.

"Okay, Yeah I did promise you." He said moving towards the taller. Getting on top of his lap, legs wrapped around his waist. Jisung leaned in and placed his soft pretty lips on Hyunjin's. The kiss wasn't intense or anything just a soft kiss that the both of them wanted for the longest.

Hyunjin's hands on the youngers plump ass and lightly squeezing it. The kiss broke after a few seconds the look back at Minho who just grinned at the two. "Well I guess we're getting bold. Um y'all want to drink?"  The two younger nodded.

After a few drinks the three were drunk. "Hyung, You look so pretty and your abs... Wow." Hyunjin said putting a hand on Minho's abs. "Thank you Princess, But who told you, you can touch me? Such a bad boy." Something about that sentence turned Hyunjin on. He whimpered.

"I'm getting that you have a desgrading kink, Oh Princess that just makes you way hotter."

"Don't forget about me I'm here!" The two older looked at the younger who was pouting their hearts couldn't take it. "Baby we would never forget you." "Yeah what Hyunjin just said Love we could never come here we can cuddles together until we fall asleep."

"Good night, Princess. Good night, Love."

"Good night."

"Good night, Hyung. Good night, Jinnie."


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