439 22 2

It was a really important day, or at least that's what Hyunjin thought. It was the first time in a month that him and Jisung would hang out. Of course it wasn't that serious, but for Hyunjin this was like Lunar New Years.

A celebration for see his best friend, yeah things might be a little different but he felt like he could get through it. But there will also be challenges. "Okay, this is a chart of what I cannot do with Jisung since he has a boyfriend!" Hyunjin exclaimed, Felix sat there, mainly because he was forced but also cause he found this entertaining.

"First! I cannot touch him the same way I use to! Meaning, No letting him set on my lap, no nose rubbing,  no kissing each in any way!" Felix sat there with he feet placed on the floor, back straight, him looking at Hyunjin as if he was at a job interview and lastly his phone was locked away, not really but the taller kept it in his pocket to make sure that the boy was paying attention.

"Second rule! No pet names, nicknames are allowed but nothing like, baby, or honey . Nothing like that because he has a boyfriend,this will be hard but not as hard as number one." He paused, taking a sip of water and to

"Third rule, he has a boyfriend and I have a best friend with benefits so there's no reason for us to be touchy like that or to want to literally fuck each other. I'm fully committed to the friendship and he should be extremely committed to his relationship!"

"Jinnie, how much longer is this my back is starting to hurt and I'm also dying without my phone in my hand." The taller chuckles quietly, before grabbing the boys phone out of his pocket. "That was the last one, or at least I think so.. Thank you for being a amazing audience. The Oscar goes to Lee Felix!"

"Oh my, I was not expecting to win this. I just want to thank my friends, family and anyone that helped me win this, Thank you!" The room went completely silent when Hyunjin started to laugh, his laugh was unique, no one cause replace it. It kinda scared Felix how quiet the room got, you couldn't hear the birds chirping, you couldn't even hear the crickets, just die silence.

The older soon fixed himself after that, Um, well, show. "Ah, crap I have to go. I'll be back before midnight, I promise, I see you later."

"Oh, ok... bye!"

"Hyunjinnie!" The squirrel like boy yelled jumping onto his best friend. "I've missed you!" The small boy said before placing and nice warm kiss on his non boyfriend. Hyunjin froze not knowing what to do, does he push off or let it happen? 'What am I thinking, he has a boyfriend!' "Jisung, what are you doing?"

Hyunjin said slightly pushing the younger off of his face. "What do you mean? We always kiss...." "Yeah that was months ago... plus you have a boyfriend..." Jisung frowned not exactly understanding what the taller meant by that.

"I'm confuse, do you not like when I kiss you?" Hyunjin sighed trying to find the right words. "No, I do like your kisses bu-" "Then there should be no problem." He said leaning back into his best friend's lips but before he touched the sweet plump lips of the other, he felt two fingers placed on his lips.

"I'm not your boyfriend, but if I was yours, I would give you as many kisses as you want.. You has so many opportunities to be mines but you pushed them away..." Jisung bit his lip, letting his legs that was once wrapped around the taller boy's torso, dropped to the ground.

"Wha-, I told you, I was just see if I liked him.." Hyunjin let out a cold chuckle, he turned his body around to not look at Jisung and his watery eyes. "Well obviously you liked him a lot to fucking date him."

"Do you really not get it, You're not mine and I'm not yours, you have a boyfriend and I left alone, you've dated him before you dated me and I tried of coming in second place..."

"But...But your not in second place, you've always been first, I-I love you, you know I've always have..." Jisung was now sobbing, his face was a mess the little bit of make he wore was already falling off of his face.

"No, Im right you always belittle me, like I'm shit to you... you know I was there for you, you know I care about you, You fucking know that I love you... So don't you dare act like you the victim!" This was the first time Hyunjin had ever raised his voice at Jisung.

He wasn't the type to get all mad and noisy, He hated yelling especially at his own best friend. "Why is everyone your top priority but me? Why does Minho get to wear the crown that has MY name on it? You might not see it cause Minho's name is in bold but mine there just in fine print...

I'm so tired of trying, I was the when you graduated even though we when to two different schools, I was there when you got your first car, I was there when you got accepted to college, I-I was there when your mother passed... you were so sad that day...

I don't remember anyone being there for you during those times. So why do you treat me like this?" A pause.. "you know what, I have to go..." " No wait Hyunjin please don't go! I-I so sorry!" But it was to late Hyunjin has disappeared, leaving Jisung broken and unable to move...

"M-Minho can you... Can you please pick me up..."

Hyunjin had wiped he tears before entering his house again.. "Jinnie, is that you?" The younger asked, Hyunjin didn't respond only finding his way to Felix that was on the couch. "How was it, was it goo-" His sentence ended, due to the tallers lips in his.

The kiss was soft nothing to heavy, just a kiss. "Hyunjin, what was that for?"

"Will you be my boyfriend, Felix?"


Okay, my brother updated this chapter by accident so if you've read the beginning part you are lucky? -🐀

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