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Highkey want to give a shout out to straykidsbitch2538 for being so sweet and kind love ya 🩷

Felix and Hyunjin were in the library since they had no more class for the day. Eating a little sweet they bought for the school's cafe, basically be lovey dovey with each other, which was normal for them. The two got up to grab another sweet and drink before bumping into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." The young one said before looking up being shock by who he seen. "M-Minho Hyung, what are you doing here?" "Yongie, I've been here all year...

Gosh and where are your glasses? See this is why you can't see your already blind as a bat!" The light brown haired male said, thumping the head of his brother.

"Oww, Why would you do that! I obviously don't like my glass that why I don't wear them, plus I look way cuter without them!"

"Im sorry, You two know each other?" Minho chuckled look at the cuteness of the taller. "Wow, and you don't even tell Hyunjin we're brothers? What type of friend are you?"

"Well for you information his my boyfriend and it's not like I wasn't going to bring you up, I simply forgot!" Felix said getting all defensive at his brothers words. "B-Boyfriend, since when did you have a boyfriend and since when was it Hyunjin?" "For a couple of weeks... And how do you know him, Hyungie?"

"Well, Jisung is Hyunjin's best friend and I am Jisung's boyfriend." The freckled boy had a blank expression on his face not knowing how to take that information. "Your Jisung's boyfriend, you mean the boy who made Jisung break this poor babys heart!?"

This time Felix yanking his middle finger back before releasing onto his older brother's forehead. Immediately a gush of pain flew straight to his forehead.

"Yo dude, what the fuck! Why did you do that?" Minho said hold his head, feeling the pain throb. "You heard me I don't have to repeat myself! Your such a jerk Hyung, big old jerk!"

Minho looked a the taller see a tint of blush on his face from embarrassment. "W-Wait so you two are siblings, and Felix you didn't know he was here? But wait I thought that Minho lived with his parents? Gosh I'm confused!"

The older chuckled once more, once again at the cuteness of the taller. "No, I live in a apartment not to far for the school and I'm pretty sure bokie lives in the dorms. I only visit every month." Hyunjin made a 'o' face understanding what was happening.

"Well it was fun to see you since I haven't seen you in fucking FIVE YEARS! But you know it's cool." Felix said grabbing onto his older brother collar before shaking him hardly. "Felix, please."

"I don't think Jisung is going to like thae fact that we're hanging out..." The now baby pink haired boy says, embarrassed to say the truth. "Is it Jisung or is it the fact that you to aren't friends anymore that bugging you?"

"Both?" The older smiled turning his head in question. "Why?" "Well... it's a little weird hanging out with someone's boyfriend that you're not really on good terms with them... so you understand what I mean?"

The older hummed in response. " Yeah, You don't want to hang out with me cause you and him aren't on good terms. Am I right?"

"Minho Hyung, don't make it seem like I don't want to hang out with you... It's the opposite of that actually..." Minho smiled once again and of course it was at the cuteness of the tall boy.

"Gosh your so cute.. I don't know if I can handle it." A even redder Hyunjin covered his face. "You... You can't say that. You have a boyfriend..." "I mean I'm not ask you to be mine or anything like that, I just simply complimented you."

"Right..." Hyunjin said looking into the beautiful brown eyes of the other. "Now eat your ice cream before it melts." The two were at a small little ice cream shop; it was the older idea since he hadn't seen the taller in months.

Small chats where shared between the two as the ate there ice cream. "Oh shit, You got something on your face, let me get it." Minho said licking his thumb and wiping the white vanilla cream off his face.

Hyunjin blush at the action, it felt like he was in a k-drama and was the main character. "T-Thank you hyung..." "Yeah, of course." He said before licking cream his wiped off the youngers face.

Oh my gosh I can't take this anymore.


Okay short little chapter but ig it's cute in a way. I usual have my game plan down and how I want everything to got but not this time, honestly today has been a horrible day, I'm just mentally drained. -🐀

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