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pt. 3

"What the fuck did I just watch!?" Seungmin said as he had his hand over his mouth. "I promise it's not what it looks like! You got the wrong idea I promise!!"

Jisung cried, knowing his been caught once again. "I came in here to asked if you wanted to eat breakfast with me, not to see you cutting yourself... Jisung hyung..." The raven haired didn't know what to do or say that could support why he was digging into his skin with a blade.

"Does Minho hyung know about this?" Jisung scoffed at hearing his ex lovers name but at the same time he wish that he was there hugging him telling him how perfect he was and how he shouln't listen to anyone's opinion or even his inner thoughts. "Y-Yes he know but it's not like he's going to care..."

"Does Hyunjin hyung know?" The older boy looked up quickly, jumping out of his bed and running up to the taller before crying harder. "Please no don't tell him! He already told me not to do this, he's going to hate me please Seungmin please!"

Snot dripped from his nose the more he cried he could lose this friendship he just go it back. "F-Fine... I won't tell him..." Seungmin the orange haired boy said in a calm warm tone.

The raven haired boy wiped he tears, hugging the taller boy. "I promise you'll never see that again... I swear on my life. I promise.." Jisung said mumbling into Seungmin's shirt, he didn't want to let go. "By Hey hyung come on we can eat and try to forget about this."the orange hair said with his head on top of the shorter boys.

"Thank you Minnie."

The two had just came back from their long day, Seungmin had took Jisung to the mall and basically went on a shopping spree. He wanted to forget about the situation he walked in on early that day but it just keep popping back up.

"Do you usually... umm... well hurt yourself?" The tall boy asked as he sat on the couch. He could tell Jisung was uncomfortable with the the question, jumping up and apologizing for what he asked.

"It's okay... umm, I don't usually... but when I'm really stress... I do sometimes I've really tried not to it was going to be eight mouths but I did it not to long ago and now here I am."

'How could he say that with a small smile on his face' Seungmin thought, it was so unreal he could talk about it like it's normal and everyone does it.

"But anyways I'm tired so imma go to bed. Good night Minnie!" The raven haired boy said getting off of the couch and going to the guest room. Seungmin sighed going to he room, still trying to get the thought out his head but it was like it was glued inside his head.

The boy sighed one more time before getting up sitting on the edge of his bed. Reaching over to grab his phone and to dial hyunjin hyung.

Seungmin was now back in the living room waiting for the red hair boy to come. He suddenly got up after hear a soft knock on the front door, welcoming Hyunjin in.

"Where is he?" He ask in a soft but cold tone. "He's right down the hall but hyung please... he told me not to tell you but I felt like if I didn't I would kill me. I know you care about him and he feels the same so please be careful with him." The orange bowed before moving out of the way.

Hyunjin creeped closer to the room where the raven was staying, it was cold and dark in the room but he could call out a few quiet snores.

He moved close to the bed, hovering over Jisung before softly rubbing his back. "Wake up Sung, I need to talk to you..." The small boy turned to lay on his other side not wanting to be woken.

"Sung come on wake up... I really need to talk to you." The taller whispered softly befor turning on the small lamp that was next to him. Jisung groaned, pulling the cover up to cover up his eyes, not wanting to wake up. "Jisung... I'm going to need you to get up before I make you get up."

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