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Minho stared into Jisung's beautiful cocoa brown eyes, Those eyes made him fall in love, his eyes never lie, he could tell Jisung love him but he could also tell he was hiding something.

He couldn't exactly tell you what he was hiding but he could tell you it was big. Minho was also hiding something, something he wished he didn't have to hide but he was scared of be judged or even Jisung breaking up with him.

He wished he didn't have to hide this he with he could be happy with Jisung, he doesn't want this little thing to break them, so he buried into far in him somewhere no could get to but him...

"Hyungie, are you okay? Do you not like the food, did I do something wrong?" Minho snapped out of his deep dark thoughts. "No the food is wonderful, I just have a lot on my mind."

"Do you wanna talk about it? You know I'll always listen to you." Jisung spoke with a soft warm tone, he had a soft smile on his face. "I can't, I'm sorry my Love." Jisung smiled softly once more. "Its okay, just know I'll always be here to listen."

Minho smiled a bet before digging into his food that his amazing boyfriend has made for him. "And your sure this is the first time your cooking?" A warm and rich giggled came from the small squirrel.

"Yes, I'm suprised that I didn't burn the kitchen down... I'm not the best a house work but I always try my best!" Minho smiled. "Baby its fine you don't have to do everything I can do something too."

Jisung frowned at that comment. "But my mom always said that people like me are always at home, clean, cooking, or even if we have a kid or a petscleaning their messes.." Now Minho was the one frowning, he didn't like the fact that his own mom would put such a sexist stereotype into her son's head.

"Baby that a sexist stereotype.. Usually it mostly said to women.. Its so wrong to think just because of your gender you can't do something and the fact that she put that into your head is wrong.."

All Minho could think about is how Jisung could have lived his entire life thinking woman and "people like him" would have to be at home doing nothing but house chores it killed him that his own mother made him believe such thing.

"Can we talk about something else..." Jisung said blushing. "Yeah..."

Minho had just got out the shower and Jisung was on the bed scrolling through TikTok watching videos before looking up at his sexy boyfriend. Jisung blushed seeing that Minho only had his towel on below his waist line.

"Taking a picture will last longer." Minho said looking at his boyfriend with a smirk. "That so old..." Minho tilted his head with a grin on on his face.

"Okay.. filming porn will last long then us have it and going to sleep." Jisung grabbed the closest item, witch happened to be a pillow and throw it at his boyfriend.

"Come on, I was joking. I'm not going to force you to do something if you're not comfortable." This made Jisung blush, his never thought about sex, especially never with someone he truly loves.

"Wait, But I want to..." "You do?"



Short chapter but it'll be made up from the next chapter.. this story has 800 views im so thankful that you guys actually are really and ig liking this story love ya - 🐀

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