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Rexton could have left. He could have taken his feet right back to where he came. Through the many halls, pass the dutiful servants and cautious guards. He could take all this back and lock himself in his bed chambers to never unearth this foolish idea again.

He could turn away. They wouldn't see him. He would be a blur in the wind, not to be seen or felt. He would cover his tracks, lie if caught and be better off than the rest.

He had a chance.

If they didn't have a chance, why should he?

Rexton went stagnant behind the wall and he sighed an uneasy breath, pressing his forehead against the burgundy coloured walls.

Adriana's trembling shriek bounded through the hall and Rexton shook from the bellowing, his insides churning in discomfort.

Rexton peeked around the hiding spot and found a bulky, bald werewolf dressed in a guard uniform.

What news would he have for Adriana?

A door whacked open like a clap of thunder and Adriana stepped out, wrapping a silky, thin robe around her exposed body.

Cheeks tinging red, Rexton reared back around and smoothed over his rising heart with a shaky hand.

"Why are you in my quarters, wolf?" Adriana spat in demand.

Taking his chance, Rexton peered back around to see Adriana completely covered, her long dark cherry red curls spilling down her ample chest, to her hips and evening around her curvy body that was slanted slyly by the door.

She crossed her arms and her sharp claws scraped against her arms as she waited for her response.

The guard bashfully bowed. He wanted to cower, drop to the ground and cower. Her blood red eyes made him a deer in headlights and he was at her complete disposal.

The guard drew back to his full height, towering over the Queen and cleared his throat, grappling for his collar.

"Spit it out!" Adriana screeched out in a wail.

Rexton breathed out slowly and moved away to hide deeper. He never wanted to be on the receiving end of her outrage. Not now, not ever.

There was something sickly wrong about her outbursts. It was a bomb waiting to go off. And she would gladly detonate to set everything off in lethal, deathly surges. She could commit mass-murder, massacres that flaked towns and stand in the middle of it all, unsatisfied.

Sickly wrong.

The guard went hot in the face but he straightened up, puffing out his chest. "It's Cole, my Queen."

Rexton rubbed his forehead tiredly and peeked back around. News. Why wouldn't that relate to Cole Canus?

Adriana rolled her head around in frustration and clicked her fingers in front of the guard's face, shaking him out of his flustered state. "And? What about him?"

"I know you hate to be disturbed in the day, my Queen, which is why I waited until now," the guard reported and his flustering went away, anticipation weighing in. "Cole went down to see the prisoners earlier today. He had sent me away."

Rexton made no sound, not a peep and from the distance, the untimed heart rate of the guard, he knew Adriana wouldn't be able to hear him.

Adriana laughed loudly throughout the hallway, an amused and excited noise that meant no good to anyone around her. "By prisoners, you mean ..."

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