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They become the night

"You can show us the way out?" Accalia clarified, brows knitting together in suspicion.

Putting faith in a lycan always seemed to come with a cost and a punishment. Wars arose, along with scars and war-torn packs.

Accalia hardly had any faith now, it was lacking and evaporating into the very walls of this castle.

Cole nodded confidently and Accalia's distrust spiked.

"Of course," Cole stated impishly and gestured to the many passages. "To leave, we have to go through a cave. It's the only way in and out."

But trusting Cole, let alone believing his words was a risk no one should take on based upon chance.

Despite everything, Accalia was already taking chances. It took a chance just to end up here, in the same hall as Cole and she would try her hand again if it meant to flee.

"Why were you near the dungeons?" Accalia demanded with a tilt of the head.

"I wasn't. I was by the passages that were by the dungeons, all right? Then I smelt blood, so I went to see. I didn't expect to be threatened to be burned alive, but there you go ..." Cole shrugged nonchalantly.

Accalia zeroed in on a particular and tedious look on Cole's face, divulging any subtle movement of his face, any features that ticked beneath her harsh, fixed glare. 

And she hated that she couldn't find a piece to doubt him. Ripping him piece by piece would be futile and they didn't have the time, their invisible timer was ticking away with every passing second.

Cole's expression was cool, collected and entirely transfixed on Erisa.

It clicked right then and there. He wanted to leave for her.

Accalia grimaced, repulsed by her thoughts. He was doing this for someone who didn't even want him.

Cole could never learn his lesson.

"This better not be a trick," Cadence snapped sharply.

As quick as the accusation came, Cole was swift to deny it. "I swear it's not."

His fixing gaze fell upon Erisa and those orbs shone through with splintering diamonds, utterly bewitched. "I—I don't want to be here and this has given me a reason to leave."

Erisa blinked once and those pale cheeks of hers tinged only a slight pink. She had nothing to say to him as her lips lifted into an unsure smile, brightening the lycan up inside.

"Would you know where Lycus is?" Accalia muttered, ignoring the ticking bombing off in her head and alarming the bases of her eardrums.

Time was wasted.

If Cole smelt them, there was no telling who else could. Others could be on their way to them as they spoke.

"He's in the throne room. We have to get there fast, might need to take out a few guards along the way." Cole answered promptly and just like that, his wavering hand offered a solution.

The timer continued to blast in Accalia's head and she ignored it, passing by Cole as they headed in the direction of Lycus.

Cole was up at the front whilst Accalia crept close behind him, not trusting his limp footing and cheeky smirks.

One false move, one lie and he would go up in flames.

The passageways were endless in their gallop, the lights becoming brighter and laminating, vanquishing the drearier side of the castle where it was seeped in what lay beneath. The dungeons and the hell.

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