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A dance with the devil
Mentions of assault/rape.

The fortress built around her was one of loathing and vileness.

In silence, Erisa, Tala and Alexene managed to ward a protective shield with each other.

The loathing was potent and heavy in the air, but they stood side by side, watching the ball unfold in shreds of disaster.

"Anyone wants a drink?" The Beta asked with crossed arms, narrowing her smoky eyes at the hunter and vampire.

Alcohol would be great right now, the perfect refreshment from being in a place of bitterness. Downing liquor could give Erisa the boost the needed, to forget where she was and who she was with.

She wanted it, the taste of fine wine or cheap beer, but she shook her head in refusal. "No, I'm fine. Thanks."

Erisa, like the rest of them, had been knocked out. She didn't know what became of her when being under, she only recalled waking up bound to a chair in front of the ones familiar to her. She couldn't risk being intoxicated in a place unfamiliar to her. She wanted to wish this dreadful night away.

Tala tipped her head at Alexene, a scowl forming on her face. "And you, vamp?"

Alexene's nostrils flared. "No ... thank you, wolf."

Tala went back to watching the Alpha and Luna of the Fenris pack, her glowing eyes at the sight.

"May I have your hand, pretty girl?" A vampire asked Erisa, his waxy skin and yellow fangs gleaming beneath the candlelight.

Someone obliviously had to break through the fortress.

Erisa nearly choked.

Tala grumbled. In a protective or threatening manner, Erisa couldn't read into the differences. Alexene idly smoothed down her dress with a hiss coming out of her mouth.

The vampire's offer was swiftly declined, but not by Erisa's demand, a shadow descended upon them and all sense of confidence seeped out of the vampire's request.

He towered over them all and merely casted a self-assured leer at the vampire.

The vampire cowered and bowed his head apologetically. "Apologies Cole, I did not know she was spoken for,"

Spoken for? The thought blasted in Erisa's head and she nearly screamed out in frustration.

Cole growled, the animalistic tone reaping his every word, "Send the word out if you want."

The vampire faked a grin and stalked around them, playfulness in his steps. "I wonder how Adriana will feel about that."

Erisa wasn't just saved by one monster to be thrown into the arms of another.

She crossed her arms, casting an icy glower at him, but he wasn't even fazed by it. Not in the slightest and it grazed on her nerves, making her on edge. "Leave me alone,"

Cole shook his head, black strands of hair shifting across his forehead and he moved toward her, giving her his hand. "Dance with me,"

Glowering down at the pale skin, Erisa grimaced. His craze followed him everywhere and he was as delusional as he was in his cage. He could take his offer elsewhere.

Cole chuckled at that, able to feel the disgust rolling off her in bitter waves.

Erisa bared the bite mark on her shoulder and it staked her as a branding that would never leave, even if it was healing. But Cole ... he had bite marks in every show of skin he displayed. Wrists, hands, neck, but his striking face was left untouched.

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