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Night to day

"We could leave now and find Cole ourselves."

Rexton shook his head side to side at Alexene's proposal. He expected this from her as soon as they were alone. She wanted to corner him where it was just the two, with no one else around, with no harsh, spiting words coming from Cadence.

He couldn't consider such a thing. This was a hunt to them all, not just the one. They all had there reasons for being here and Rexton wouldn't deprive them. Besides, Cole's scent was deeply embedded in Rexton's senses.

The Alpha of Death wasn't going anywhere. Cole could only slip from Rexton's clutches if something outside them all came from the densely shadows of these unknown forests.

"I cannot," Rexton stated unwaveringly and gestured to the others that slumbered by the cave. "Not without them."

Rexton could see the embers from the fire flying to the sky from here and they looked to be burning stars.

Alexene released a venomous hiss and shook her head stubbornly, eyes widening madly.

"Cole is long gone, Rexton. You've known it for hours, his scent is fading." Alexene muttered darkly.

From where they were, it was faint. But it still remained like a brand mark and it stamped into the ground they walked upon.

"It is faint, but it's locked into my senses, Alexene." Rexton responded lightly.

He could almost taste Cole's blood back at the pack, but he didn't have to taste it to know. Rexton could anticipate his every move without making it himself. Rexton didn't have to be in Cole's mind to know his memories and tracks. He knew Cole's tracks just by having his scent embedded into his unnatural senses.

Cole was far away from them, moves ahead across the board, but Rexton had his scent ingrained like a moth to a flame. He wasn't going anywhere.

Rexton hadn't realised his body pivoted to the source of smell and all it would take was to run to find him. It wouldn't take much, but leaving the others would erase everything.

Rexton couldn't leave them defenceless in the midst of woods they have never been before.

"You could find him, Rexton. Your eyes tell me so," Alexene mused and swept closer to him, her coat trailing by her loafers.

"He will rest soon. He will need to. He's wounded, that makes him easier to track. He seems to know where he is going." Rexton reasoned.

Alexene looked forward, face drawing into scepticism. "How do you know?"

Rexton's eyes narrowed into the darkness, but to him, the forest hummed in a slight, tinge glow, enveloping the place in dim lighting.

"His steps haven't faltered once since coming to his pack and departing from it. His movements have been straight and narrow, heading north. He knows where he is and what he is doing." Rexton said calculatingly, lips parting to draw in breath he didn't need to take.

His pulsed raised, dryness scorching his throat like it had when he nearly bit Cadence. The alluring need to bite into flesh and hunt what didn't want to be found. As soon as the desire came to the surface, Rexton shoved it away with a grimace and his nose wrinkled in disgust.

"You had a nightmare about Cadence." Alexene drawled in a chilling whisper.

Rexton stiffened, but nodded slowly. "It occurs nearly every night and I can't control them. I don't know what to do."

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