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The Fallen Alpha

Tingles writhed in the tip of her fingers, daring her, but what would she do once she had the knife in her hand?

Accalia didn't know whether to rub the redness away from her wrists or reach for the knife in front of her.

They had all been cut loose of their ropes and chains, but not one made a move.

Only because the threat was laid on thick across the dinner table.

"Any of you try one daring move, another will die." Adriana purred delightfully and captured every one of their eyes, lingering on Rexton in particular.

Accalia watched as Rexton bade his attention to the plate in front of him, his jaw clenching as he heeded every word that dripped from the vampire in front of them.

Not even the impulsive ones amongst them made an effort of fighting against Adriana's threat. It was as if she casted a spell upon them, one that was concocted in defeat and order.

Posing in front of her chair, Adriana gestured to certain people, her pointy finger marking the ones she called upon, "Please, my people, take a seat."

Accalia and the others were tightly knit, sitting closely together, but the other empty chairs were quickly filled. Melina and Cole say by Adriana, whilst nameless creatures took seats elsewhere, itching too close for comfort.

From across the table, Accalia noticed Cadence stir uncomfortably in her seat and shuffled away from a vampire that was nearly stitched to her shoulder.

Dread encompassed Accalia, spiralling into her every nerve as she regretfully watched as the discomfort within Cadence rose, the vampire invading her every gap of privacy.

A deeper and darker silence ensued, suffocating them into that spell to want to keep them quiet.

A subtle hum sounded and Adriana grinned brightly. "Who's hungry? I am famished. Let's have dinner."

Accalia exhaled, falling back in her chair and the doors creaked open again, a chariot of food being escorted through by servants. A buffet of food Accalia couldn't envision putting in her mouth right now.

The people bringing in the buffet were humans dressed down in plain and colourless attire. The dishes of food were placed in the centre of the table, filling every area and after they finished the job, the humans wandered over to the velvet couches by the vampires.

The table was mounted with many slices of meat decked out on trays and delectable fruits aligned to citruses, pomegranates, cherries and grapes.

On the sidelines there was a bloody feast, vampires feeding on those poor humans like it was their last meal, digging their fangs into necks, wrists and shoulders.

Accalia wanted to sink into nothingness.

Those poor humans were subjected to a life of no existence at all. Living life as a blood bag for vampires to feast upon.

Accalia couldn't stand the horrid sight and paid her focus onto Tristan and Cadence, who both sat across from her and by each other's side. Her breathing weakened and she inhaled sharply to regulate her heartbeat, regulate whatever madness this was that wasn't her normalcy.

She had been completely torn from her world, her home and into a castle with a vampire queen that had no reason in releasing them.

"Eat up," Adriana encouraged and waved at the guests to the pile of dishes.

Rexton and Alexene had grown squeamish in their seats and it wasn't a far-fetched reason as to why.

Accalia could smell the metallic from here, but she couldn't fathom what they were experiencing, inhaling the aroma of human blood.

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