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Tears & Tombs

Shrugging off his jacket and untying his tie did no good in releasing himself from the restraints.

He still felt suffocated.

As heart-pounding.

As uncontrolled when he was freed from the tomb.

A lone tear slipped from Rexton's eye and he didn't have it in himself to wipe it away. Not as more descended his cheeks and into the cracked, parted lips of his mouth.

Salty, lucid, undeserving tears.

He didn't deserve to shed them.

One choice. One simple, conscious decision could have been made and like the crack of a whip, everyone around him would have walked free.

Unscathed, without pain and anguish.

It was drowning Rexton up to his knees and he would soon submerge in the pain, tears and whatever fate decided for him.

Fate had decided to place him in a lavishing, luxurious room where a chandelier loomed above him, candles graced the refined interior of cool browns and golds.

He couldn't sit still for long and shot off from the bed, pacing again, clicking his fingers together as he thought and obsessed over the others.

In dungeons, Adriana placed them. They could be rotting while he laid upon pristine comforters and a burning fireplace that blanketed the room in a pleasing warmth.

While he was taken one way, the others went in the opposite direction.

I can kill another if you like, Adriana had cooed to Rexton after he admittedly refused to be parted from them.

Another. Another corpse that would never return to this earth.

Rexton couldn't bear the consideration and two guards escorted him to his designated room and left him alone.

It was a sentence to Rexton. A righted, just sentence.

But he couldn't stay here. In the warmth, the beauty that gave him a haven.

Wiping his face and tears away even as more formed, Rexton turned his head a fraction and listened out for the walls beyond him.

It seemed everyone had retired for the night.

With his speed, no one could catch him. He could sniff their scents out and see the girls. If he was quick enough, he might even catch a glimpse of his brother. He would still be in the throne room.

Without another thought to hinder him, Rexton crept to the door and slipped outside.

The hallway was splayed in orange from candles and gold from pristine paintings clinging to every inch of the walls. The flames burned a different kind of tale to the paintings.

Walking on, Rexton stuck close to corners and walls as he took in his surroundings.

He heard servants bustling about, but that sounded in the other halls of the castle.

To find the girls, he would have to go back to where he last saw them and follow their scents from there. Tracing back to where he was taken from, a familiar, lust-filled voice resounded around him and Rexton took sanction behind a corner, coming to a pause.

Frowning, another voice took sanction to his senses and they sounded a lot closer than they were.

"I don't understand ... I thought me killing the brother would make them fear me," Adriana said distantly, but it sounded so close as if she was whispering in Rexton's ear.

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