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The Saviour

"It's a dead end," Tristan groaned and slammed the heels of his palms onto the steering wheel.

Tristan spun around around them with hard and steely eyes. "We have to go on foot."

It was like the Canus pack, where they departed from hours ago, a pillar of trees gating everything and anything off. Only bodies could weave in and out, not the size of a vehicle that would be struck before they could bury themselves into the labyrinth of these dark woods.

Tristan didn't wait and hopped out, heading to the back of the car. Opening the boot up, scrambling ensued.

Everyone else slipped out of the car, tiredness roaring through their bones once their feet hit the flat grounds.

"We have to find somewhere to camp. Being in a open clearing isn't our best bet." Tristan explained and hooked a bag on his shoulders. He loaded his gun, placing it in his holster belt and stashed two daggers to his sides.

Tristan made a point of passing the esky of water to Rexton who carried it with ease, no complaint coming out of his mouth as it would with Cadence.

"We gotta find a secure place. We carry on until we find a place to rest," Tristan's voice rang out and locked his car up by the time everyone was out and geared up.

Cadence watched as he placed his car keys beneath a wheel of his Jeep.

Tristan straightened back up, giving her a nonchalant shrug. "Just in case,"

He often did this when they travelled and it was almost out of necessity. Cadence never questioned why.

Everyone bit back their complaints of walking, even Alexene who drifted at the back of the group, walking wherever the shadows were.

But her remarking torments didn't stop her once night began to fall, for the sun to rise somewhere else.

"And what if this is a trap?"

Did any of them care by this point? Cadence didn't. All she had were the people around her and a sword in her hand. That was all she needed. She didn't need anything else and nothing would stop her — them, from getting to Cole.

There was already a high chance Cole was lost from their grip, but his scent remained.

"Then it's a trap, but if Cole's trail leads to Adriana, no one is stopping me from getting Lycus back." Accalia's harsh tone rang out and she gave Alexene a scathing glower.

Accalia silenced herself and walked by Tala and Tristan.

"If you don't wanna be here, Alexene, you can leave," Cadence stated and Rexton exhaled stiffly, settling close to the huntress.

He always did that. When matters got tense, tittering on the spikes of anger, Rexton was right at Cadence's side without explanation.

Alexene didn't back down. "Not without Rexton."

Cadence would never understand Alexene's unfailing loyalty to him, especially when they didn't share the same interest when it came to duty. Rexton made it his obligation to find Lycus and Alexene would travel to the end of the earth with him, even if she didn't have the same interest in mind.

It was pathetic.

"Well, Rexton isn't going anywhere. We're finding Cole. Is it Adriana causing you to be an annoying leech?"

"Cadence, please," Rexton mumbled and tugged at her jacket.

"Consider that this may be what Adriana wants, Cadence. She would want Rexton to use his senses to trace Cole." Alexene hissed venomously.

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